Con Report in Pictures
TCAF (Toronto Comic Arts Festival)

Page 5

Room 3 Close Ups

My picture of Andy Lee also disappeared, maybe it ran away with Pheobe. But at least I got some of Lee's work.

Andy Lee has done some mainstream work. Particularly in Ultimate Marvel Team Up #15 and 16. He does these legit oriental style drawings. He was selling them at the con.

Another great painting by Lee.

These mini Kabuki Masks were on sale at David Mack's table.

And there's the angelic David Mack, he also had one of the busiest tables at the con.

Overall the con was really good, especially for a first year go. I arrived at around 11:30am-ish and left around 2pm as I had wandered everywhere and had bought everything I wanted to buy. There were also panels and so forth, but they were held off site. I didn't attend any of them as had to do everything in a day and make the 4 hour trip back home.

But first...

A Thank You should go out to this great store for sponsoring and setting up this event. I didn't have to ask the volunteers for anything, but I got the impression they knew what they were doing. Which wasn't the case at the Toronto Expo. After I left the con I came here and bought a hell of a lot of books. Great stuff that can't be bought through Diamond Distribution. Out of Print books, Comic History, Critically Acclaimed books that your retailer probably doesn't know about, all that plus the superhero & manga section upstairs where I was able to fill my holes in my Byrne Fantastic Four run. I've seen some die hard superhero fanboy shops that don't have the back issue selection that this store does.

Hopefully next year they can move the con to a bigger location, where they can fit everybody in one room and still have aisles that won't clog up. Having the panels on site would be an improvement too. For the store though one of the "selling" points for this con was that it was a 5 minute walk away, where they were having a 10% off sale for those that were at the con. Either way, I hope there is another one next year to attend to as I'll definitely be going to it.

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