Stylish Vittles: I Met A Girl
Publisher: dementian comics
By Tyler Page
Reviewed By Sidra Roberts
I picked this book up randomly at San Diego Comic
Con last summer. It looked interesting, and it
was a departure from your typical superhero funny
book, so I bought it. I had to ask the creator to
sign it and he looked rather perplexed as to why I
asked him to. It's his work. He should be proud
to be asked to sign it. It made sense to me.
Overall, it's a great book with a lot of
potential. The story is compelling. While it's a
detailed story of one relationship, it's also a
kind of Everyman story. It's something most
people, if they're lucky, have experienced or are
going to experience. It has a truth to it that a
lot of love stories in books or comics lack. The
nice thing about this book is that it lacks the
veneer finished perfect people in a perfect
However, it also has that unfinished art look and
the story telling methods seem to need some
polishing. The first 40 pages are nothing but
splash pages panning in from the universe to the
galaxy to the solar system to the moon to the
earth to the town to the building to inside the
building where Tyler, the narrator, is. I
understand how this symbolizes Tyler's belief that
everything in this world is interconnected and
together comprises God. It just makes the
beginning very slow and lingering. I think the
same effect could have been attained using half of
the space. It slows the story down and it is kind
of off-putting to not have any dialogue for the
first 58 pages.
Once the story starts going the blunt honesty
works very well and makes the characters very
endearing. The art could still use some polishing.
For the most part, it's pretty nice looking. The
style is good, but the anatomy gets off a lot.
Arms are too long or too short, and legs are
consistently too short for their bodies. The
second part to the story is out, and I look
forward to being able to check it out. It needs
some work and practice but this guy's got talent
and it's definitely worth checking out his work.
You can go see some of it yourself at