Graphic Content
By Wally Flores Jr.


Alright, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I've finally lost it and that I've decided to stop reading comics and just watch the Food Network or something. No, that isn't the case. Let me tell you what mint chocolate is to me. First, I love chocolate, I have since I was a kid. Second, I like the occasional mint (especially Altoids). However, I cannot stand mint chocolate. To my friends I describe mint chocolate as "Two great tastes that taste like crap together." Ok, so "crap" may be a strong word when referring to a candy, but the combination has never worked for my taste buds.

So how does this relate to comics? Simple, mint chocolate is what I kept thinking about as I read the Black Circle: Urban Knights storyline that crossed over between Green Lantern and Green Arrow. Yes, I know you're all astonished that I could actually dislike a Green Lantern storyline, but it does happen on occasion. From what I understand this storyline was originally supposed to be in its own limited series format, but someone had the "bright idea" of having the crossover since Judd Winick and Ben Raab are switching writing duties between the titles.

Are you ready for the complaints? Sure you are. You wouldn't be reading this if you weren't. However, if you haven't read the storyline and don't want it spoiled then you need to stop reading now because while I'm not going into major detail I will be talking a bit about the "surprise" twist. Yes, that is the return of the sarcasm I seem to have been missing as of late. Now, on to the complaints.

First, the interaction between Ollie and Kyle is some of the worst interaction that I have read between lead characters in a long time. Yeah, we've all learned that when two major heroes get together at some point there is the obligatory confrontation/fight, but at least there is usually some understandable (even if slim) reason for it. The reason for the fighting between these two never gets to a state higher than "old man" versus "young whippersnapper." Sure, Winick and Raab try to bring in how each hero is used to working with another incarnation of the other's namesake, but it's never believable. For some reason Kyle and Ollie just can't figure out that they actually would get more done if they'd just stay out of each others' way.

Second, we're introduced to the character Amon Sur, who is pretty much the bastard son of Abin Sur. Amon appears from the start to be carrying a chip on his shoulder because daddy didn't pass his ring on to him. The writers attempt to create a mixed bag out of Amon in order to make the reader wonder what his objective is in helping out our heroes, but they never pull it off. The reader instantly gets the sense that Amon is helping Kyle and Ollie for his own reasons, and since we're being introduced to a new galactic crime organization (The Black Circle Syndicate) it's not difficult to make the leap as to what Amon is really doing. So, after reading six issue of wasted paper it all comes down to the fact that the galaxy is currently dealing with a new powerful and crime syndicate simply because Amon has a "daddy didn't love me" complex.

Third, we were hit with numerous useless cameos from other characters. We had Jade, Black Canary and Green Arrow "Jr." (Conner). Having Ollie and Kyle constantly bickering due to a difference in age was bad enough, but with others constantly chiming in about how they should get along it started to border on an after school special where both Kyle and Ollie learn an "important lesson about getting along thanks to their friends." For the most part the characters seemed to be there just to remind us that we actually were reading major titles and not a limited series. Lucky us.

Finally, the set up for where this story concept will be going really left me disappointed. If you don't already know Raab is going to continue exploring what The Black Circle Syndicate is and what they do. I will be honest in saying that now I'm a little leery of what his writing is going to be like. Sometimes things just don't work well together (like mixing chocolate and mint), and while Winick and Raab seem to be two such things I'm hoping that Raab and Green Lantern aren't. I've really enjoyed Winick's run on Green Lantern and would hate to watch all he's worked on fall apart.

Right now I'm doing the best I can to get the nasty taste of the Black Circle: Urban Knights storyline out of mind. I recommend that if you want to read the story then find someone to borrow the issues from, and spend your own cash only as a last resort. I'll tell you right now that I only got all of the issue so I could keep my Green Lantern run consistent. My final thought on this storyline is that while the official phrase of The Black Circle Syndicate may be "The Black Circle is a line without end," (which ranks just slightly higher than "Cobra-la-la-la-la-la!") I am glad to see that this current storyline did have an end.

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Review Copyright © 2003 Wally Flores Jr.

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