"Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle"

    Movie Review by Sidra Roberts

Why in the name of God and everything holy would I want to go see this, you ask? It’s a movie about three scantily clad chicks that dance around, look pretty and kick butt. Why on earth would that interest me if I’m not a guy or a lesbian? Because it looked fun and campy from the commercials.

And indeed, it was fun and very, very campy. I think perhaps that they wrote down all the costumes they wanted to put everyone in and then wrote their story to suit the costuming. Demi Moore plotting evilly and sauntering around her apartment/hotel room/plotting room in nothing but red lingerie and a floor length fur coat made me giggle beyond all reasonable comprehension.

Is this great cinema? Hardly. Is it fun? You betcha. I’m still trying to figure out how on this earth I’m supposed to buy that John Cleese is Lucy Liu’s father. But that’s okay because John Cleese is funny in it. I’ve never understood why Drew Barrymore was supposed to be hot. She actually looks really good in this movie, so I suppose I can understand. The make-up and costuming in this movie were outrageous and flamboyant, which if anyone knows me, is a great asset in a movie. I was very impressed.

I expected something really stupid. Instead, I got something that was mindlessly entertaining. So, if you’re looking for something light, fluffy and visually attractive, go check out "Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle."

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Review Copyright © 2003 Sidra Roberts

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