When I saw the trailers for this one, my biggest
complaint was that Hulky looked *VERY* CGI. I was
afraid it was going to look like a big Cartoon, but I
really wanted to see it cause Ang Lee was directing
and I knew he was going to go beyond the basic
"crash-pow" of the typical super-hero movie. Once I
saw it, I was not disappointed with Hulks appearance.
Whether it's the big screen, or the fact that it was
the finished film, he looked pretty decent. The story
itself was not so bad, but it was quite long-winded. I
realize Ang Lee was trying to delve into the Bruce
Banners psychology... but it didn't need to feel like
a Beautiful Mind a lot of the time. I do, however,
forgive the obvious character rewrites ( i.e. DAVID
Banner instead of Brian, Bruce's father becoming Rage)
otherwise, I'd have to condemn pretty much every
super-hero movie ever made.
Heads up zombie/horror fans! This is revolution. Since
Romero's work, Zombie films have never compared.
they've always ended up almost comical. Even though
the overwhelming concept of the dead rising from every
grave should be terrifying, many movies made on the
subject in recent years has failed to be more than a
little goofy. But what if they weren't the walking
dead? What if 99% of the current population fell prey
to a new disease that acts on humans as rabies does on
dogs and people became savage mindless killers. That's
what you have here in 28 days. An EXCELLENT British
film, presented in an almost "war drama" feel that
doesn't resort to cheap scares like loud noises, but
rather gets under your skin with the very concept of
what is happening.
Stephane Morrell
Laurier CIM Group
-Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.