The Wacky Races
By Rick Higginson
Opinion and Humor, rolled into one.

When I was a kid, we watched a cartoon called "The Wacky Racers." In each episode, off the wall characters would race their bizarre contraptions to see who would cross the finish line first. It was silly entertainment, but we were kids, and we liked that kind of stuff.

California has apparently decided to resurrect the "Wacky Races" idea with their upcoming Gubernatorial recall election. If this election doesn’t inspire numerous comedy movies and TV shows, nothing will. It seems nearly everyone decided to jump into the race. Heck, I even considered trying to capitalize on my California birth and upbringing to initiate a run for California Governor. I figured it would be the perfect opportunity to try out Chris’ idea of a D20 based Government (see last August 2003's "Random Thoughts" column if you don’t know what I’m talking about). With that in mind, I sat down with the "State Government D20 System" rule book and started to roll up a Governor Candidate.

The first step was to enter the State Stats. I wrote in the 1990 Census population of nearly 30 million people, the total area of the State in square miles, basic resource information, and then I hit the snag. "Liabilities". Ouch. Entering 30 -- 40 gigabucks of deficit really slammed the State hard. Okay, still, I had a Governor character to roll up.

I entered my stats and started rolling for my strengths and weaknesses, balancing those out against the State's Stats. It didn’t look very promising. I even tried the typical Politician trick and lied about my stats to make them better, but the best result I ever got still gave me the message "If this State were the Starship Enterprise, you would be the redshirt Crewman." I may have many faults, but at least I can read the handwriting on the wall. At least I can read the dire warnings in the D20 manual. I abandoned my quest for California Governor before it really even started.

Instead, I decided to put my mind to coming up with some catchy slogans that some of the other candidates might want to try using. Keep in mind that ALL of these people really ARE running for Governor of the State of California.

The most famous candidate, of course, is Arnold "I’ll be back!" Schwarzenegger. With the serious situation in California right now, his campaign should play off one of the lines from the second "Terminator" movie. Imagine the commercial where the stoic, sunglass bespectacled face of Arnold looks at the camera, extends a hand, and says, "Vote for me, if you want to live!" Even Linda Hamilton had a hard time turning down that offer.

Nearly as famous as "Ah-nuld" is Larry Flynt, the outspoken porn publisher most famous for "Hustler" magazine. Flynt is also well known for his high profile court case against censorship, wherein he declared that if the constitution would protect a scumbag like him, it would protect anyone. Larry can build off that line for his campaign slogan. "Why vote for someone who won't admit they’re a scumbag?" Hey, it could work. At least for once, the majority of the people would be in agreement with something the Governor said right off the bat.

On the "get some laughs into the Government" front, we have Leo "Sledgeamatic" Gallagher, the comedian well known for smashing assorted items (mostly produce) with a large mallet, splattering the remains all over the first few rows of the audience. Gallagher is a funny guy, and his comedy often makes sense. Making sense, of course, is not necessarily an asset in a politician. However, if Gallagher could do to the budget deficit what he does to a watermelon, he might just be good for the State. "Sledgeamatic: Deficits don’t stand a chance!"

Not to be outdone, Gary "Diff'rent Strokes" Coleman has tossed his hat into the ring. Gary was one of those cute, adorable child actors whom Hollywood pretty much discarded when he grew up and wasn’t as cute anymore. Coleman has worked a variety of jobs since outgrowing the child actor stage, and probably very much understands what it’s like to go from having a surplus to having little to nothing. Gary can strike a nostalgic chord in the older voters who remember his TV series simply by using the campaign slogan, "What'chu talkin' 'bout?" Aimed at his opponents who will likely use plenty of double talk, it might just ring true with voters sick of "answers that aren’t answers."

Hoping for a big hit is Peter Ueberroth. Yes, THAT Peter Ueberroth, who hopes to make California as popular as Major League Baseball. One of his accomplishments was turning around the profitability of running a Major League Baseball team. Yes, when you pay for those game tickets to see those multi-millionaire players, you can thank Peter Ueberroth. Peter can run on the "If we build it, they will come" campaign. Hey, it worked for a cornfield in Iowa!

Those running on the "name recognition" ticket are plentiful this election too. We have Robert "Don’t call me Bob" Dole (he prefers to be known as "Butch"), Dan Feinstein (not to be confused with Diane Feinstein), Michael "I was born white" Jackson, Edward "Not related to Maria Shriver" Kennedy, and Richard "Let’s slim this state down" Simmons, all of whom have a better chance simply because their names are similar to someone famous.

In the more "off the wall" department, we have Angelyne, whose first lines on her Candidate's Statement are (and I am not making this up!), "Well . . . I'm EXTRA large on top, I have a TINY waist, and my hips are JUST RIGHT! ! (How come no one ever asks me my shoe size!!!)" Angelyne has run for Mayor of Hollywood before, and makes her living giving tours of Hollywood, when she's not throwing double-entendres out to titillate listeners. The best campaign slogan for Angelyne apparently would be, "Why have only one big boob in the Governor's Mansion when you can have a pair of big boobs?"

Not to be outdone in the "Sex sells" department is Georgy Russell, whose campaign is light years more cerebral than Angelyne's (note: I think the Swedish Chef would be light years more cerebral than Angelyne's campaign), but includes the ever popular Georgy for Governor thong underwear (I’m not making this up . . . see it at ). Yes indeed, this leads into a perfect campaign slogan. "If the Government is going to be in your ass, why not start now?"

Speaking of odd undies, there’s also Kurt "Tachikaze" Rightmyer, a Middleweight Sumo Wrestler who has set his eyes on the office. His perfect campaign slogan? "Big enough to knock the deficit right out of the ring!"

Then there’s Bruce Margolin, a Marijuana Legalization Attorney. This is another candidate that can seriously bank some leverage in the race. After all, if he can get Marijuana legalized as Governor, and set a tax rate on it like they've done for cigarettes and alcohol, he could easily turn that deficit into a surplus again. Even if he doesn't fix the deficit, the State will be too high to care. He can take that old song for his campaign theme, and have the whole State singing, "Everybody must get stoned!"

Finally, this one I share is strictly taken right from the Candidate's own statement. Mary "Mary Carey" Cook is an "Adult Film" star. Some of her campaign ideas have some merit, while others seem pretty outlandish. Her real-I’m-not-making-this-up campaign slogan? "We’ve had Brown, we’ve tried Gray, now it’s time for some Blonde!"

At the very least, it's time to be thankful for living in Arizona, where we can watch the Wacky Races without having to live them. My thanks to my co-workers for helping me with some of these off the wall ideas.

For more information on the extensive list of Candidates for Governor of California, visit the recall site on the Web at

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