Graphic Content
By Wally Flores Jr.


As I'm sure most of you know there is a world that exists beyond the world of comics. Yes, I'm talking about reading them. I don't actually think I live in one. You have to give me a little more credit than that. Anyway, this past month the real world hit me square in the face. Between starting another leg of college education and moving a couple of times I just haven't been able to get myself into a "stable" comic mindset. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't things going on that have ticked me off. Here are just a few things that have caused my temper to flair.

They're hot, they're not. They're themselves, they're new and improved . . . no . . . wait . . . they're back to their classis selves. Jeez Marvel, I've seen yo-yos that can move in one direction longer than you can! So now that Marvel has been nice enough to alienate the character's fans for unknown reasons (you decide which rumor you believe about the "changes") they're hoping they can bring us back and pool enough fans from the two camps to support one new title. I'm not going to hold my breath that the series goes past six issues, but with Fabian Nicieza writing I'll check it out. I'll just do my best to NOT look at the covers. You guess why.

Marvel Previews
Yes folks, you too can get a "free" copy of a Marvel comic that nobody cares about. All you have to do is get Diamond Previews or shell out 99 cents. Apparently Marvel has taken the complaints of their Diamond Previews "previews" sucking. So, now they're actually adding descriptions to the previews again, but they're doing it in their own little preview book because they're "special." 100 pages of glossy paper that's mostly ads, with just enough reading to justify its existence. Apparently the person who came up with the idea of Marvel Previews went to a marketing class run by the publishers of Maxim and Stuff.

CrossGen Doomsayers
OK, so CrossGen is having some difficulties. This was apparent when some of their books actually shipped late. However, that isn't a rarity with other companies so it's not that much of a shock. The "experiment" that is/was CrossGen isn't working out as planned, but that doesn't mean that it's time to write the whole thing off. They're making changes that are bringing them closer to a "regular" comic publisher, but that doesn't mean the universe (CrossGen's) will immediately fold. If you actually care about them keep buying their books and let the dust settle.

Transformers: Armada
Just when I make the decision to quit reading this title (yes, I know I should have made it sooner) they decide to cross realities and bring in Transformers characters that are actually cool. Plus, on top of that they're "finishing" Armada in just a few more issues, and I'm a sucker for having a full run. Yes, I know it's my own fault that I'm still reading the title. However, I'm still mad at Dreamwave for keeping me interested in something that I know doesn't do anything but take my money and only gives me frustration in return. My god, it's like they gave me a girlfriend.

Green Lantern
Can we PLEASE just have the GL Corps back already?!?! Yes, the Black Circle Syndicate is evil and must be stopped, I get it! Now end this storyline and end my pain!

That's all I have to say this month. Hopefully once I get settled back into a life of college again, and settled into my new home, I can get a little more into other things that are starting to test my patience *cough*The Flash*cough. Well, that or I'll just break down completely. Either way it should provide for entertaining.

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Review Copyright © 2003 Wally Flores Jr.

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