Confessions of a Newbie
by Rick Higginson

October 2003

This month brings us the rapid approach of Autumn, "Back to School", and the realization that, despite the temperatures outside, Summer is pretty much past. For some parts of the Country, it begins the annual transition from outside activities to inside activities, unless you live in Tucson. In Tucson, September teases us with the promise of cooler Autumn temperatures that likely won't arrive until sometime in mid to late October, or maybe even November. Tucson has two seasons: Summer, and Not Summer. Summer is a good time to hide out inside an air conditioned building with a tall, cold drink and a fun game. Most of our gaming this summer has been the MMORPG we all play, though I'm hoping this next month to talk Chris and AJ into coming over and bringing along their copy of "Munchkin". Heck, if money hadn't been so tight this month after paying some college tuition, I would have picked up a copy of "Munchkin Fu", the latest sequel to the popular "Munchkin" series from Steve Jackson Games (insert shameless plug for my Steve Jackson Interview in this same issue of Collector Times).

For this month's column, though, since I'm not ready to write about such great games as "Munchkin" (another shameless plug!) yet from experience, I'll take a cue from many other great writers, and even more lousy writers, and offer you my "Top Reasons Why It's Great To Be A Middle Aged Gamer".

  1. "Munchkin" decks much cheaper than golf clubs, and no "Greens Fees" required to play.

  2. Unlike being a "Middle Aged Jock", injuries received in gaming don't leave you thinking, "I'm getting too old for this!"

  3. Not very likely your parents will say, "YOU SPENT HOW MUCH FOR A COPY OF 'MUNCHKIN FU'???"

  4. "Cheapass Games" are much more fun to get as gifts than another hideous tie.

  5. Saving big bucks on therapy by imagining how your half ogre Monk would deal with the surly bureaucrat at City Hall.

  6. Reading comics about gamers, and actually getting the jokes.

  7. The looks you get from Department Store employees when you ask them if they have a "Squidbob 'Thulupants" action figure in stock.

  8. Overhearing your kids' friends say, "Your parents play WHAT???"

  9. Taking out your dice and rolling for a "Sanity Check" after an especially long and boring meeting at work.

  10. While other families at the restaurant are talking about what happened at school or work today, your family is talking about how many orcs you all eviscerated last night.

  11. Watching those other families change tables to get farther away from you as you talk about eviscerating orcs.

  12. Being the only Dad in your Church Group who speaks '1337'.

  13. While other middle aged folks are debating which golf balls fly the farthest, you're making shameless plugs for "Munchkin". While I haven't played "Munchkin" yet, it's got to be more fun than talking about how to make your balls soar.

    And the number 1 reason why it's great to be a Middle Aged Gamer?

  14. Child Protective Services can't do squat to you for kicking your kid's ass repeatedly in "Munchkin".

Oh . . . Did I mention I was going to throw in some shameless plugs for "Munchkin" this month?

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