Bountyhunter #0

Reviews By Sidra Roberts and Tasha Metcalf

Published By: Kiss Me Comix
Story by: Rod Jerkins
Art by: Barbara Jenkins

Allow me to first say that this is one of the worst comics that I have EVER read. That really is saying something, considering how many comics I’ve read.

My roommate had to come look over my shoulder while I was reading this comic to see why I was laughing so hard. My roommate, Tasha, is the infamous "weird black chick on campus that wears a cloak." To quote my roommate upon reading this comic, " This is the worst English that I’ve seen outside of the ghetto, and I should know." Future note to the writer -- "bidness" is what you do on E-bay.

Not only is the English atrocious, the art is even worse. I swear to God I could draw better than this if I were drunk off my ass, and I’ve never been drunk before in my life. It looks like someone colored this at the last minute with a crayon and then pasted it together chunkily in a bad Photoshop cut. From the poses of the characters, it looks like the artist has never been in the same state as an anatomy book. The print quality is so poor in some places that you can’t read the text. You can even tell where the printers used the lowest quality JPEG possible, as the edges are fuzzy and jagged. Of course, the Comic Sans font was used, cause otherwise you’d have no idea that this was a comic. You’d think that if they went to all the trouble and expense to print this in color on very nice paper, they’d have spent the time and effort on decent print quality. The art is enough to make you want to cry. The question becomes which reason do your cry for -- because of the pain that it’s inflicting on your eyes or from how hard you’re laughing? I think in my case it was from the laughter.

Now, I’m sure you all want to know what on earth is the story behind this wretched thing. If not, tough luck -- you’re going to hear it because I had to read it.

Mel and his brother or friend (it’s not quite clear) Johnny are busy selling drugs to get themselves out of the hood. Yah, that’ll get you out all right -- in the back of a cop car. Mel walks up to sell drugs to two thugs and they bash him over the head. No prompting, no provoking, just "Hey, want some crack?" "SMASH!" (or more accurately, "Kerr-rrak!", which is no onomatopoeia that I’ve ever seen). Gotta love the explanation here. They then take him to the laboratory of Bald Mad Doctor Nazi, who puts him in a tank of green goop for no reason whatsoever. Oh, wait, he says he’s restoring the Nazi Regime. With a black guy. Yeah, that’s real Nazi like. The green goop turns Mel into a superman-giant of sorts and dissolves his pupils into nothingness. Mel manages to escape the Mad Doctors (after he "feel the power", and apparently gets in touch with the hidden Black Panther side of him). The Mad Doctor then sends his thugs -- who also have never been anywhere near true human anatomy -- to get Mel back. They don’t even have faces, just really fierce gashes in their heads. The thugs kidnap Mel’s mother and Johnny, cause you’re not really a superhero until your family goes missing, for that little dash of ANGST! Mel goes to his scientist friend, Charles Jones. Charles was taken in by Mel’s mother when his own parents kicked him out and he owes her. So, Charles gives Mel this UBER GAY (comment from roommate: "And not the GOOD kind of GAY") costume. It’s made of a special metal alloy and can take a small missile blast. (I’m not going to even ask why the page is sideways -- it’s not that hard to lay out a page properly, people.) But dig this, Mel doesn’t want the matching helmet because he doesn’t want to look totally ridiculous. I’ve got a little news flash for Mel: It’s waaaaaaaay too late for that. You’ve got man-boobs and you’re wearing tights. You’d fit in fine at the Gay Pride Day Parade. So he goes to save his mom from Bald Mad Doctor Nazi (who has now obtained Evil Nazi Veins on his head) and discovers that Johnny is dead and in a tube, which ups the Angst Factor to Eyerolling. The "comic" (and I use this term very loosely) ends with Mel about to bargain with Vein Head.

I thought after I’d finished the comic I was in the clear. Then I decided to read the back of the comic. Allow me to reproduce it here for you:

"Do You Wanna Kiss?

Sure ya do! Especially if it’s from Kiss Me Comix! Let our books Serenade and Bountyhunter take you to a totally new level of reading entertainment! Entertainment that’s far above industry standards! Compare us to what’s out there, and see if we aren’t that breath of fresh air! Our art and coloring styles, solid story is what makes KMC unique! And the freshest thing in comics! We don’t play by the rules! Cause of we did then we’d giving you art and stories that’s already out there! KMC strives each and every issue to bring you the best! We put a new twist on tradition! We don’t follow standards, instead KMC creates our own standards. Why? To keep you entertained and coming back for more! Change is good! Stay in a path too long it becomes a rut! Find a new path in KMC! We invite you to check us out and see for yourself! We have a look and feel all our own, and that’s why KMC will be around for a VERY LONG TIME!!!"

And now for the Sidra-Tasha commentary:

Sidra: You don’t play by the rules?! You mean the rules of the English language, right? Because if that’s what you’re talking about, then indeed, you don’t follow the rules.

"Cause of we did then we’d giving you art and stories that’s already out there!" Sidra looks over and sees Tasha laying on the floor twitching, because the English major portion of her brain just broke.

"Change is good!"

Oh good god (or goddess if you prefer), change is very good. Let me recommend that you have someone spell and grammar check your comic before you ship it to the publisher. Additionally, someone needs to take lessons in how to draw the human form, because the anatomy in this book is just painful to look at.

Now I’ll hand this portion over to Tasha:

A breath of fresh air? Oh, you’re a breath of something alright, but I was thinking more along the lines of formaldehyde -- something that knocks the average person right out.

With all these exclamation points I really have to wonder if you just don’t know about the period key or if you’re trying to hit me over the head.

"Our art and coloring styles, solid story is what makes KMC unique!" Uniquely crappy.

"Stay in a path too long it becomes a rut!" If this is change, I’ll stay in the rut. Apparently the rut understands basic grammar.

"We don’t follow standards, instead KMC creates our own standards." Please, please follow standards. Your own aren’t cutting it.

"KMC will be around for a VERY LONG TIME!!!" I didn’t know three weeks was a long time. Oh, wait, I’ve got it. Your demographic is three year olds.

And they expect me to pay three bucks for this? I can get some Archie for that, and at least then I know that the art won’t make my eyes cry blood.

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Text Copyright © 2003 Sidra Roberts and Tasha Metcalf

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