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Tue, 13 Jul 2004 OPEN LETTER - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Alternative Comics needs your help! Please buy our books from your local comic book store to help Alternative Comics survive! Dear Comics Fans: I'm Jeff Mason making a direct appeal to you, our faithful readers, in a time of serious financial difficulty. If you could find a way to buy some of our books listed below, you would greatly help in our time of financial crisis. Please check off the books you want below and then buy these books from your favorite retailer. You can also use the checklist in the back of your copy of Alternative Comics #2 that was given out by your local comic book store on Free Comic Book Day. If your retailer does not stock our comics and books, they can use this form below as a way to order our in- stock titles form any of our distributors. Alternative Comics is suffering some very dire cash flow problems and I am turning to you for help. In the spring of 2002 our book trade distributor, LPC, filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy owing Alternative Comics a lot of money. I had hoped that I could weather the storm by taking money from my savings and by borrowing on credit until receiving the agreed-upon 42% of what LPC owed us. Now over two years later, LPC is still in bankruptcy proceedings and I am completely out of savings and credit. In the past (prior to LPC) I had ample working capital - I had great credit terms with my various printers. Now (post LPC) I have absolutely no working capital and must pay up front to print every book. For each publication, I now wait for all of the retailer advance orders to come in to Diamond, then I contract Diamond to assign the payment they'd pay to me to my printer to print the book. This contractual agreement costs money and cuts into our razor thin margin. Lack of cash on hand has also caused me to have to shrink print runs on some books. This increases the cost per unit of each book, and speeds the looming reprint costs. I've been increasing my publishing schedule over the last two years, and in hindsight, I expanded too quickly. Alternative Comics is moving forward with a much more reasonable, much more foresighted publishing schedule, with some really amazing projects in the works! Alternative Comics' cash flow problems have been the only reason for not yet reprinting Bipolar #1 and Humor Can Be Funny as well as having been the only reason a number of books have been arriving late or re-solicited. I am asking you to please buy Alternative Comics books from your local retailers. In my fanciful imagination, the best result would be for retailers to quickly sell out of all Alternative Comics books in inventory to customers and hurriedly place nice reorders with distributors. Alternative Comics has no staff other than myself, so I am unable to handle orders directly. I ask that readers buy from your local comic book retailers, and retailers to buy from your favorite distributors. The single most important variable for our publishing efforts is the number of comics or books advance ordered by retailers. Retailers decide their advance orders of books based on what you, the reader, let them know you want to buy. Currently, we have the following books scheduled for release in September 2004. These books are in all of the distributors' catalogs right now. If you want to get copies of these books, please let your local comic book retailer know!
If you can find it in your hearts to help Alternative Comics, I will be eternally grateful.
Thank you, Alternative Comics In-Stock Inventory: (All books are For Mature Readers unless otherwise listed)
Jeff Mason - Publisher
Fri, 09 Jul 2004 This fall Across the Pond Studios releases its second title, "ATP PRESENTS", and it looks to be one of the hottest new comics to hit the shelves. Using their talents and connections, ATP Studios created a book where new stars of the industry will be spotlighted along side some of the industry's best talent. Issue #1 starts with part one of a four part science fiction story, Stephan Nilson's "Metal Locus", written by Keith Champagne (JSA, Legion) and illustrated by Sergio Cariello (Batman, Sojourn). "Metal Locus" explores a world where it's quicker and cheaper to replace broken limbs with mechanical ones rather than mend them. How long will it take before mankind loses all of its humanity for extended life? Following that you'll be entertained by the antics of Scott Fry's not so heroic super hero "Gauche-Man", written by Scott Fry and Stephan Nilson and illustrated by Scott Fry. With his inability to distinguish the difference in danger from an invading robot dictator or a rat cornered in an alleyway Gauche-Man vows to keep the public safe from harm. No one hurts people in his city unless it's Gauche-Man, and that was an accident . . . both times. For the horror fan in all of us ATP Studios proudly brings "Halloween Man" to mainstream comics. Written by Drew Edwards with Nicola Scott (Proximity Effect, Knights of the Dinner Table) illustrating. Halloween Man follows the adventures of Solomon, and un-dead hero, and his team of misfit globetrotters as they battle ancient evils in a futuristic city. Batting clean up is Richie Blackmon's "Necro-City Chronicles" written by Scott Parker and illustrated by Mitch Byrd (Guy Gardner, Dinosaur Theories). Necro-City takes the reader to a dark place where crime is fought with intuition, guns and magic. Step into a world where unregistered magic is a crime against the church and the Goblin King is the patriarch of the fashion world. Issue one's beautiful interior art work is complemented with two different front covers. The first is an amazing piece penciled by none other than ATP PRESENTS' Mitch Byrd, inked by "Government Bodies" inker Rick Bonilla and colored by ATP Colors' Rick Hiltbrunner. The alternate cover is a fully painted Necro-City cover by Dan Brereton (Nocturnals, Thrillkillers). The back cover is a collage piece illustrated by Necro-City Chronicle's Richie Blackmon, inked by Ugly Knuckles and colored by ATP Colors' Rick Hiltbrunner. Each issue is 32 pages in full color.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - July 6, 2004 eigoMANGA is pleased to announce an exciting promotional collaboration with Scion, Toyota's youth-focused brand of vehicles. In an arrangement with the major automaker, the eigoMANGA team, including Jeremy Ray, artist and creator of "Extinction Level Event," has designed advertising materials to promote Scion's XA and XB models. Proposed concepts showcase characters from "Extinction Level Event," "The Monkey Tale" and "Cool Downbeat," all stories featured in eigoMANGA's flagship manga anthology, RUMBLE PAK. Each design features the eigoMANGA characters posing dramatically with Scion vehicles, or piloting the vehicles themselves. Ray describes the artwork he's done for Scion as "a sketchy version of American comic art." Oscar Gutierrez, Jr., General Manager and Head of Operations and Sales at eigoMANGA, hopes that the success of this joint effort will open the door to further promotional partnerships between the companies.
Los Angeles - Keith Giffen and Shannon Denton, creators of the comic Wonderworld, have announced that
KnickKnack Productions has optioned the comic property for development as a feature film. Julian Zolkin of
KnickKnack Productions is the executive who took an interest in the property and pushed for KnickKnack to
acquire the rights. Comic and movie fans may be familiar with Zolkin's work as the head of development for Amen
Ra Films, Wesley Snipes' production company, which has produced such films as Blade, Blade 2, and Murder at
1600. Denton explains the premise of Wonderworld; "The story appears in the latest Komikwerks anthology Nuts & Bolts. It's the story of a teenage girl in Southern California who finds out she and her mother escaped from a land of magic when she was a baby. She must now confront the Dark Forces that have finally tracked them down." The story was created and written by Shannon Denton and Keith Giffen, and features art by Caroline Hu and Denton. As to how Zolkin and KnickKnack Productions became aware of the story and its creators, Denton explained, "My managers, Circle of Confusion, sent me in for a pitch with Wesley Snipes' company, Amen Ra Films. I met with Julian there, who loved the project and decided to option it under her own banner, KnickKnack Productions. Keith's and my interest in working with KnickKnack came from Julian's sheer enthusiasm for the project and her desire to find a screenwriter that could adapt the material rather than change it. We're talking to some writers now that we think are perfect for this project. More news on that soon." For those interested in seeing the source material for Wonderworld, you can read the original story by Giffen, Denton and Hu in the Komikwerks anthology entitled Nuts and Bolts which is available at your local comics shop, or online at
About Komikwerks
5 Jul 2004
Some of the Legends characters may have cutsie cartoon appeal, but don't be fooled.
There's a sword-slinging, butt-kicking fiasco just waiting to happen. If you have followed the online comic series starring the
black-furred Little Wolf, then you already know that just about anything can happen, including magic spells, technological
wonders, and a cursed king who wants revenge by spreading his evil across the land. The anthology is unique in that it will be marketed and distributed almost 100% via the internet. Not many publishing companies put their trust in internet marketing unless the product is wholly available online, such as with ebook publishers. This project's success lies in the fact that the series included in the anthology are already established comics, and are backed by thousands of online fans. The Legends story arc, "Generation's Dawning" will appear in several segments throughout the first few issues of Bounce Magazine. It will tell of how the Realmwalkers, once the protectors of the world of Fandar, disappeared completely without a trace. "Throughout the segments, you begin to find that the plot involves much more than just a bunch of fantasy superheroes dying out." says Blevins, " It goes much deeper than that. The story is about the Realmwalkers' relationships with one another, and how they are affected up until their parting. You also find out why they disappear, and who is behind it." For more information on Bounce Magazine and Legends online fantasy comics, go to and
30 Jun 2004 The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund applauds yesterday's Supreme Court decision upholding the ban on the Child Online Protection Act (COPA), a federal law which would have banned content providers from posting First Amendment protected "harmful to minors" materials online. "The Fund and our First Amendment allies see the decision as a key victory in the preservation of free speech in an online environment," said Executive Director Charles Brownstein. The CBLDF has participated in challenges to COPA including both fights in the 3rd Circuit and both appearances before the Supreme Court. Yesterday's decision came down as a 5-4 split, with the majority declaring that the law probably does violate the First Amendment. Writing for the majority, Justice Kennedy stated "[c]ontent-based prohibitions, enforced by severe criminal penalties, have the constant potential to be a repressive force in the lives and thoughts of a free people. To guard against that threat the Constitution demands that content-based restrictions on speech be presumed invalid and that the Government bear the burden of showing their constitutionality." "There is a potential for extraordinary harm and a serious chill upon protected speech," the majority asserted about COPA. It also held that the measures COPA proposes are probably not the least restrictive alternatives towards the goal of limiting minors' access to overtly sexual material online. While the court did declare the law was likely unconstitutional, it did not firmly dismiss it. The case has been sent the case back to a trial court where new factors will be considered, including the impact of the "Dot Kids" domain and the Truth in Domain Names Act passed as part of PROTECT. New evidence can also be admitted reflecting the current status of blocking, filtering, and age-verification technology that could affect the court's interpretation of whether COPA's remedies are the least restrictive towards its stated goals. Though the court ultimately punted the case to a lower court, in a concurring opinion, Justice Stevens, joined by Justice Ginsberg, stated unambiguously his belief that the law is flagrantly unconstitutional. Stevens wrote, "COPA is a content-based restraint on the dissemination of constitutionally protected speech. It enforces its prohibitions by way of the criminal law, threatening noncompliant Web speakers with a fine of as much as $50,000, and a term of imprisonment as long as six months for each offense. - And because implementation of the various adult-verification mechanisms defined in the statute provides only an affirmative defense, even full compliance with COPA cannot guarantee freedom from prosecution." Stevens vindicated the position of many First Amendment advocates, including the CBLDF, stating, "Criminal prosecutions are, in my view, an inappropriate means to regulate the universe of materials classified as `obscene.'" He added, "COPA's creation of a new category of criminally punishable speech that is `harmful to minors' only compounds the problem. - Attaching criminal sanctions to a mistaken judgment about the contours of the novel and nebulous category of `harmful to minors' speech clearly imposes a heavy burden on the exercise of First Amendment freedoms." Stevens concluded, "COPA's criminal penalties are, moreover, strong medicine for the ill that the statute seeks to remedy. To be sure, our cases have recognized a compelling interest in protecting minors from exposure to sexually explicit materials. As a parent, grandparent, and great-grandparent, I endorse that goal without reservation. As a judge, however, I must confess to a growing sense of unease when the interest in protecting children from prurient materials is invoked as a justification for using criminal regulation of speech as a substitute for, or a simple backup to, adult oversight of children's viewing habits." Speaking to CNN, Ann Beeson, the ACLU attorney who argued the case, said, "There are many less restrictive ways to protect children without sacrificing communication intended for adults. By upholding the order stopping Attorney General Ashcroft from enforcing this questionable federal law, the Court has made it safe for artists, sex educators, and web publishers to communicate with adults about sexuality without risking jail time." "This is a welcome decision," CBLDF Director Charles Brownstein concurred. "The Court has upheld the ban on this unconstitutional law, permitting cartoonists and other creators of web content to exercise their First Amendment rights online. It has also asserted the importance of parents, not government prosecutors, in guiding the intellectual development of children. This is definitely a victory for the Fund, the free speech community, and all speakers who value their First Amendment freedoms online."
25 Jun 2004 After a brief publishing relationship, Dabel Brothers Production has officially parted ways with Devil's Due. While plans are still being finalized with regards to Hedge Knight and Dragonlance, the projects under the Devil's Due banner, no future DBPro licensed or creator owned series will feature the familiar red devil logo of Devil's Due. "We don't see this so much as an end, as a new beginning," Les Dabel, Vice President of DBPro stated emphatically. "We have so many new things to announce to our fans over the coming weeks and months that I am truly excited!" As is the case with all great tales, the end of this chapter in the DBPro story also marks the beginning of the next. The studio is currently engaged in negotiations with several potential partners for their future publishing needs, while also exploring avenues that would allow them to publish under their own impetus. One of the first steps toward DBpro's next chapter was the bringing in of C. Edward Sellner as the studio's newly appointed CEO. Sellner added, "We really have been blessed with all the opportunities that have been set before us and, God willing, the one we choose to pursue will certainly bring our fans many years of enjoyment from our properties." With July 22nd's San Diego Comic Con International rapidly approaching, the studio is preparing to release several announcements concerning upcoming projects and their new direction during their press panel at the convention. "We wish Devil's Due the best in all their future endeavors," said senior Dabel brother, Ernst Dabel. "The future is bright for my brothers, our fans and our company. May their future be equally so." This is the first of many upcoming announcements alluded to last week on the DBPro website. Stay tuned for further developments as they are announced. While remaining ever faithful to their source material, DBPro has rapidly earned a reputation as the premier fantasy publisher in the comics industry with adaptations of award winning Science Fiction and Fantasy author's best selling works. DBPro brings the rich worlds of Earth's best fantasy genre literature to vivid life on the illustrated page. Each new property continues to set new standards for novel adaptation to the comic book, graphic novel and trade paperback market with upcoming projects anticipated to raise the bar even higher. More information about Dabel Brothers Production and their properties can be found at
23 Jun 2004 Having spent the last 4 million years as an outcast, the Devil has had enough! Tired of his role, and with no desire to act as God's Adversary any longer, he confesses to a priest that he wants to die! This summer a truly unique tale will hit comic stores. Written by Chris McCay an awe inspiring comic book writer, and illustrated by the talented Lee O'Connor, Warpton Comics has done it again. "Throughout history I have been painted as the greatest evil in existence. No one cared to find out if this representation was correct". states the Devil. "I was portrayed as evil as humanity is too hypocritical to admit the truth". The truth that is revealed in Confessional is that mankind is the ultimate evil not the devil. Chris McCay takes us through a world that we all know but for the first time tells the story of the true reason the Devil has become the lonesome and loathsome figure he is depicted as. Confessional is a 40 page one-shot in stunning full colour, being distributed via Diamond Comics, in the July edition of their Previews Magazine. "This is an exiting story that shows you can be completely unique with a tried and tested idea", exclaims Steve Causer, co-founder of Warpton Comics. "As soon as I read the script I knew this had to be made." "If you want to know why the Devil wants to die then get this book, I have read it and am hooked, it epitomises the classic story in a one book that comics is all about," Says Steve. Confessional is available to order from any comic book store from July or direct from the Warpton website at Warpton Comics A UK publisher of comic books. Warpton is heavily involved in the UK indie scene and has a range of schemes that support creators. Publishing its titles internationally Warpton is all about creativity and involvement. For more information about Warpton see the Warpton website at
Further information contact
25 June 2004 This October 13, for the first time in more than a decade, a new issue of FLARE will appear in comic book stores throughout the United States and Canada. FLARE features the adventures of the fictional character, Terri Feran, a beautiful Brazilian-born costumed heroine who uses her photokinetic powers to advance the cause of justice. This October, after a hiatus of more than ten years, she returns in an all-new series of full-color adventures by writer Wilson Hill, with artists Gordon Purcell and Terry Pallot, colorist Mike Estlick, and letterer Albert Deschesne. FLARE will once again be published on a twice quarterly (eight times a year) schedule by Heroic Publishing Inc, of Long Beach, California. Distribution will be through Diamond Comic Distributors Inc and FM International Inc. FLARE will be printed in full-process color on high-quality paper by Brenner Printing of San Antonio. The 36-page comic book will retail at the suggested price of $2.99 in the United States, $4.25 in Canada. A special preview of the first issue of FLARE is available on the Heroic Publishing website at Single advance copies of the first issue of FLARE can be made available by request to
For more information, please contact:
21 Jun 2004 Boston, MA - Budd Lewis, guest writer of the Zone Continuum's 100th Episode Secret Identities Event which continues today on, unearthed some startling writings while conducting research for his script. It seems that famous Greek writer Homer buried a passage related to the 100th Episode deep in the pages of the original Illiad. Below is the script as translated by Budd Lewis from the original Greek:
Boo Yah! To discover what all of Homer's buzz is about, check out today!
16 Jun 2004 Eureka Productions is pleased to announce the publication of GRAPHIC CLASSICS: ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. GRAPHIC CLASSICS is a series of books presenting great fiction adapted in comics and heavily-illustrated text for readers of all ages. Each volume contains the works of one classic author, illustrated by some of the best artists working today in the fields of comics, book illustration and fine arts. The ninth volume in the GRAPHIC CLASSICS series includes comics adaptations of "The Bottle Imp", "The Suicide Club" and a unique two-part interpretation of "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde" by Simon Gane and Michael Slack. Plus a fantasy by Fannie Van de Grift Stevenson, a special feature by Robert and Maxon Crumb and a collection of R.L. Stevenson's short fables and poems, with art by Lance Tooks, Esao Andrews, Roger Langridge, Shary Flenniken, Hunt Emerson, Johnny Ryan, Michael Manning and more. GRAPHIC CLASSICS: ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON is available in bookstores, comics shops, or direct from the publisher at
Still Available:
14 Jun 2004 LOS ANGELES - KILLER STUNTS, INC., a comic series proposal that was previewed at the '03 San Diego Comic-Con by creator Scott Alan Kinney and then optioned for film/TV development by Chuck Gordon's Daybreak Prods. and Adrian Askarieh's Prime Universe Prods. (Hollywood Reporter) is set for an official series launch with comic book publisher DPG Visions. DPG Visions co-founder Leo Partible has teamed with Kinney as co-writer on the series, and co-producer on the in-development film. Artist Scott Cohn has joined the publishing team as the book's new interior pencil artist, and comic newcomer Francisco Rivera will provide the first issue's cover. The series tells the story of Billy Andrews, a Hollywood stuntman who is struggling to keep his fledgling stunt company, Killer Stunts, Inc., afloat in the new age of CGI-dominated special effects. As a result, Billy takes an assignment from a covert government agency, not knowing he is being used as a pawn in a vast conspiracy. In over his head, the daredevil-for-hire re-teams with his former mentor, John Lynch, an aging legend in the stunt community, and is forced to utilize all his "tricks of the trade" to not only stay alive, but to stop the bad guys from pulling off a major heist. Kinney and Partible wrote the initial film treatments under the supervision of producers Gordon and Askarieh during the first phase of the film's development process. Gordon, whose producer credits include Die Hard and Field of Dreams, and Askarieh are also currently prepping the Universal picture Spy-Hunter for a 2004 start date with The Rock attached to star and John Woo attached to direct. The next development phase for Killer Stunts, Inc. was accomplished when the producers brought in a screenwriter and director to collaborate on the project. Kinney and Partible then turned and adapted their screen treatment into a comic book mini-series. Kinney brought in Scott Cohn, a talented comic book and advertising illustrator, to pencil the interior art at the high recommendation of respected artist and comic industry veteran, Kieron Dwyer. "Kieron has worked for more than a decade for all the major comic publishers, so when he recommended Scott Cohn, I took him very seriously," said Kinney. "When I saw Scott's samples, I was impressed. When I saw how incredibly good the first Killer Stunts pages Scott turned in were, and how fast he rendered them, I was blown away." Some of Cohn's advertising clients include Sony, Time, Inc., HBO, Miramax, DC Comics, and Conde Naste (with Robert Crumb). Cohn's award-winning work on Behind the Music that Sucks for can now be seen on the Fuse network. In addition to Killer Stunts, Inc., Cohn is illustrating Tales of the TNMT for Mirage Comics. Samples of the artist's work are available at his official Web site: Rounding out the publishing team is digital artist Francisco Rivera. Francisco, who has not previously worked for a comic publisher, is in the commercial illustration field with clients such as the Teutuls' Orange County Chopper. Kinney, who stumbled across the illustrator's work online, commented: "The work Francisco has done for the Killer Stunts, Inc. comic shows he has great potential as comic book cover artist in the industry. Not only that, I think he has the potential to do feature film work as a concept and promotional artist. There have already been inquiries from Hollywood about his services." Working with his DPG Visions partners, the Dabel brothers (DB Pro), and Underworld writer/producer/star, Kevin Grevioux, Partible is prepping a DPG Visions preview book for publication in time for this year's San Diego Comic-Con (July 22-25). Pages from the upcoming Killer Stunts, Inc. series will be included in this promotional publication and displayed at the DPG Visions Comic-Con booth.
11 Jun 2004 "Halloween Man" is the critically acclaimed, long running, cult favorite comic creation of Drew Edwards. At the tender age of 19, Mr. Edwards created his outcast hero drawing on influences from his childhood. Monster movies, silver age comic books, punk music, western TV shows, and pulp sci-fi all come together creating a genre bending universe all its own. "Halloween Man" the comic, roared into full life via the web on October 31st 2000. The quirky web comic, slowly but surely gained a devoted following the world over. Its grass roots style, friendly creative team, and rock-n-roll attitude, not only won over critics, but gained praise from several industry pros. After three years, fans were treated to a magazine collection entitled "It Came From Texas." This "do it yourself" publication sold well in both color , and b & w editions. Now "Halloween Man" comes to ATP presents. This allows long time fans to enjoy all new print exclusive stories, while allowing new fans to discover this strange new universe. So enter Solar City to find a world where the strange is the mundane, monsters can be heroes, and adventure never dies. For More Information click here
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