Why I'm not Buying the New Supergirl Comic

By Sheryl Roberts

I should never browse the DC web site late at night. I see things and it pisses me off long before the actual comic is out. Then I can't sleep because I roll this around in my head half the night, getting angrier as I go. What am I so agitated about? The New Supergirl costume.

If they want to produce masturbatory material for lonely fanboys, this is definitely the comic for them...if they think any young female people will read it, they should be ashamed of themselves. It isn't the image I'd want my daughters to emulate. Luckily, my daughters are young adults, and not influenced by what Kara might or might not be wearing. If they were still teens, I probably wouldn't want them reading the book. I wouldn't want them to think that parading out in public like this is OK.

And I'm hardly a prude, either.

I was known in my youth to go to cons wearing my Bubbles the Barbarian outfit, which amounted to a fur bikini, and we all know my daughter Sidra has worn the Grell Night Girl outfit to all sorts of comics cons. I actually made that Grell Night Girl costume, and she started wearing it as a teenager. I'm not afraid of skin.

However, there is tastefully showing skin, and then there's just pandering...I think this costume falls into the skank category. I can't really define that line where it travels from the tasteful showing of skin to skank territory, but this Supergirl costume screams skank to me.

If the artist hitched up her skirt to where it didn't look like it was gonna fall off at the slightest indication, and maybe lengthened the skirt a couple of inches, I could go for it...but damn, does the Daughter of Krypton have to show her butt every time she moves?

I have read Supergirl comics for many, many years. I own the appearance of when Superman introduced her to the world. It's not like I don't have a vested interest in the character. I read the Peter David version of Supergirl to the bitter end. She was always clothed appropriately, and cute, and trendy. However, this new costume is over the edge of trendy and right into the land of tacky. Just because Brittany Spears dresses like this doesn't make it OK.

Supergirl was on my pull list before, but I'll be DAMNED if I add it again with this outfit, the costume suggests I'd be reading about The Last White Trash Ho of Krypton.

Certainly the Powers That Be at DC don't really want to be creating this impression of a popular comics character, do they?

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