Props and Costumes: Sites and Thoughts
by Joe Singleton

Some time last year, I got the itch to build stuff again and I browsed around the web for interesting sites and came across many sites I bookmarked for future reference. When I say, build stuff, I mean stuff like the Green Lantern rings I made a few years back or the Lantern I'm working on, right now. But, also Star Wars and Star Trek type stuff, too.

As I browsed, I could feel the itch growing and pretty soon, I was out at the local camera shop looking for a Graflex or Heiland flash gun that somebody didn't know the value of. You see, back in the 1970s, when he was stuck with a mere $10 million dollar budget, George Lucas's prop people were forced to use found objects for the lightsaber props in Star Wars (Ep4:ANH). Luke's saber (his father's) was a dressed up Graflex 3-cell flash gun, minus the big dish reflector. Vader's was a MPP Micro-Flash flash gun, with very little dressing and Obi-Wan's was constructed from stove and sink parts, an old British incendiary grenade, parts from another camera flash gun and the pommel is an old faucet handle.

I'm something of a kit-basher, so the idea of cobbling together odds and ends from hardware stores and junk to make a cool toy is right up my street. I found sources for some of the harder to find parts, and I found sources for custom machined parts, which is very cool. I bought a saber hilt from one guy online, that I recently sold on Ebay. One of this guy's G-Style hilts: I had fun with my saber and would buy from him again.

But that's not enough for me. I wanted to do more, so I kept look for ideas, inspiration and stuff. One of the best resources I found is called, simply "A Site About Props." Dewback's Wing:A Site About Props

Unfortunately, you do have to register to view the site, but it's worth it. Get a global account and you can access other forums like the League of Heroes. More about them, later.

ASAP is excellent. There's such a wealth of Talent and information that I find something new to read, every day. From dressing up cheap toys to building full suits of Stormtrooper armor, or Klingon uniforms, or SG-1 gear, they cover most every major TV and movie series you can think of. The Star Wars, Star Trek, Ghostbusters, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, and Lord of the Rings sections are broken down into sub-categories, which helps you focus your search a bit. There's also a Movie Props section to cover other movies and series that don't have quite to following of the others. There's even one on Superheroes that has some excellent stuff on building costumes and lots of pics, including my own Green Lantern Project.

One bad thing on ASAP. Some time back, there was A hacker attack on the boards and they lost quite a few posts. There's still lots of good info, so don't let that scare you away.

Along with ASAP, there's the Replica Prop Forum . . .

RPF is pretty general, but there is also a wealth Of information available. You can view the site without registering, but cannot post. Check it out.

For those who just can't resist the urge to dress up as our favorite flying rodent . . . Brotherhood of the Bat Strictly Batman, and an amazing variety of bat-suits with tons of pics. You do have to register to read, though.

The League of Heroes Mentioned earlier, The League of Heroes site is a ton of fun. The also have one of the coolest logos I've ever seen. You can read without registering, on this site, but you KNOW you're gonna want to ask questions, so don't be afraid to register. This is a site for the super-hero, or villain costumer. If you want to dress up in tights and beat the crap out of bad guys, this is your first stop. Links abound, to users' sites and sites where you can find the things you need.

Among the sites on building Star Wars props I found in my quest, this one has some of the best info on specific uniforms, Sand Troopers, the Fetts, etc. And I love the site design, it's got good graphics and good design. Do-It-Yourself Star Wars props Also, TK-409 has some awesome links, down at the bottom of the page.

I hope that you find something of interest, here. I've spent countless hours reading these sites and marveling at the photos. Once you're done with to reading and marveling, get out the tools and build something!

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