Neal Adams Panel from the Toronto Expo 2005

Recorded by Jamie Coville

Below is the link to the Neal Adams Panel from the Toronto Expo 2005. Maggie Thompson gave her permission to use it on the site. On the recording I ask Neal if it's okay if I record the panel, Neal told me I should ask Maggie who hosting the panel and wasn't there yet. When she showed up, the panel was already in full swing and I didn't want to inturrupt.

I e-mailed her this morning and asked. She thanked me for recording it as she wanted to do it herself but wasn't able to because the con folks made her late and she gave me permission to put it online at the CT.

Among the topics Neal talks about are:

  • His thoughts on the Batman Begins movie.
  • His work on the X-men and how that influenced the books future.
  • Dave Sim meeting Neal in Toronto with a stretch limo.
  • His new contract giving him more royalties over his reprinted work.
  • How he got Curt Swan (and many other artists) a raise.
  • Funny stories on how bad Stan Lee's memory is.
  • Advice on how to get publishers to pay you more.
  • Funny stories about other artists reactions over learning he drew the Ben Casey Comic Strip.
  • The recoloring of his Batman work.



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