I really liked the original from the 1970’s, so when
the update came into the theaters, Zack and I decided
to go check it out.
It is a very pretty movie, but unfortunately it
suffers from the epidemic Hollywood Faux Blockbuster
trend of having more flash than substance. It also has
the dubious honor of being one of the most physically
impossible movies I have seen in a long while. It’s
right up there with Blade II for "That ain’t right!"
While I understand that the engine was no designed to
be on the ceiling, how exactly it gets enough momentum
to come crashing through several layers of thick metal
flooring, I’m very unclear. And how after losing then
engine, the propellers are still whirling like giant
blades of death is beyond me. Plus, I believe that
water much have been combustible in this film, because
long after everything that should have blown, was
blown there were still explosions going on.
I, additionally, find the number of survivors left
from this MASSIVELY HUGE ship to be horribly
unbelievable. On this monstrous ship only six people
make it out alive? PLEASE! Only four people make it
out of the disco? Please, there had to be more,
either that or the four that made it out are amazingly
electric shock proof. It was above the ballroom and
the ballroom had at least one hundred survivors before
it went down.
Plus, I’ve read and see enough stuff on the Titanic’s
sinking to know that when the bow went under they
should have been swimming like mad to make I out of
the suction that it caused.
If you want wet, hot chicks, this movie certainly
delivers that with abundance. I did wonder to myself
why all the women were good looking and we got middle
aged Kurt Russell and old Richard Dreyfuss. Not that
either of these men did a bad job with their part. In
fact, Dreyfuss’s character was the best
rewritten/completely new character.
The characters aren’t quite as compelling as in the
original, but I think that’s more of the script’s
fault than the actors’ fault. All of the actors did a
very good job with the material that they were given.
Overall, don’t expect the original Poseidon Adventure
and don’t concentrate too hard on why the hell did X
thing just happen, and it’s a fairly entertaining
movie. I’d recommend waiting until it comes out on
DVD to check it out though. It’s perfectly worth a
rental for the whiz-bang factor, if you’re in the mood
for action/adventure/stuff blows up.