Around The BLOCKhead
By: Erich Arendall
Episode 2: I'm Batman. ...And cute!
Arguably, some of the most popular block figures are the creations of ArtAsylumn, which holds such licenses as Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Marvel and--today's focus--DC Comics. MiniMates have great articulation (14 points of articulation, including ball-joint necks, arms and legs; knee and elbow joints; and waist, hand and foot rotation) which make the figures great for both play and display.
 Darkseid's Throne
The DC Comics license actually spanned two separate lines. The first line was released in 2004 and is commonly known as the "C3" line. Due to property licensing issues, the line was released by Play-Along included a Create Construct Customize (C3) construction set, a LEGO-compatible construct for the MiniMate. These constructs were often small vehicles or "Mini-Flyers," but also included bases.
 The Batmobile
The sets were fairly Batman-centric, so the constructions were often welcome, adding to Batman's arsenal of toys. The cream of the crop for the C3 line were the Batcave, Batmobile and Batwing and while most of the line commands high prices on eBay, the afore-mentioned three can still be found for around the $20 from many online stores. Meanwhile, rarities like the Batcopter, Justice Lords version of Superman, a Mini Javelin that came with the Martian Manhunter and Flash, and a solo version of Flash are being fought over constantly in online bidding--a lament for folks like me who were late into the line.
 Some C3 Minimates
Currently, the C3 line is the only way to pick up the Tim Drake as Robin (pre-Infinite Crisis costume) and Dick Grayson's current alter-ego, Nightwing, as well as the Cassandra Cain Batgirl, The Riddler, Catwoman, Flash and Martian Manhunter. The line also featured two versions of the Joker: the version from the 90's Batman: The Animated Series and a very Cesar Romero-esche version from the 60's live-action Batman. Unfortunately, Play-Along did not renew its contract with DC in 2005 and some of the planned sets (one including Mr. Freeze) were never released. Sharp eBayers can find pre-production boxes of some of the unreleased sets. Note, if you have pet mice or rats that you let roam your house, I suggest holding off from buying cardboard.
 John Stewart
ArtAsulym offered a John Stewart Green Lantern figure during the 2006 San Diego Comic Convention. This little gem was based on the Justice League animated series and came with a taste of things to come: a new line of DC MiniMates, released by ArtAsulym. The figures were to continue using the 2 inch mold used within the previous line, which would keep the figures compatible with not only the earlier DC MiniMate incarnations, but also of the Marvel line. Finally, Batman and Wolverine could fight on even terms!
 Batman vs. Wolverine
The current line of DC MiniMates is very recent. Wave 1 was released in February 2007 and there have only been two additional waves of DC MiniMates out at the time of this writing. So, now's a great time to hop into the line if you're at all interested. If you like DC Comics, there's very little not to like about this line. Each package featuring two characters from the DC universe, often pitting a hero against villain right in the package, adding immediate play-value with a single purchase. Unlike a lot of block figures on the market, each package tends to offer at least one accessory for each figure. Weapon-using characters are not skimped on at all. The Green Arrow / Deathstroke package of Wave 3, for example, is a veritable plastic arsenal.
For a thrifty $7-$10 per package you can pick up two figures (one package) at reputable online and brick & mortar comic and specialty stores. I've seen the occasional MiniMates package at Toys R Us and Target, but it's a rarity. You're better off helping out your local comic shop. If you don't have a local comic shop and can't move, then there are plenty of online dealers who will be glad to charge you a shipping fee that's probably less than the cost of driving... next door. Here's what's available today and a glimpse of the next wave in the line.
 DC MiniMates Wave 1
DC MiniMates Wave 1
- Classic Superman & Armored Lex Luthor
- Hal Jordan Green Lantern & Star Sapphire
- Joker & Harley Quinn
- Modern Batman & OMAC
 DC MiniMates Wave 2
DC MiniMates Wave 2
- Battle-Damaged Superman & Braniac 13
- Booster Gold & Ted Kord Blue Beetle
- Powergirl & Doctor Fate
- Robin & Penguin
 DC MiniMates Wave 3
DC MiniMates Wave 3
- Aquaman & Ocean Master
- Battle-Damaged Batman & Killer Croc
- Deathstroke & Green Arrow
- Wonder Woman & Ares
DC MiniMates Wave 4 (Planned for July 2007)
- Barbara Gordon Batgirl & Bane
- Steel & Cyborg Superman
- Golden Age Flash & Wildcat
- The Spectre & Deadman
The line does make use of taller molds for the bigger bad guys like Killer Croc, Braniac 13 and Ares. Though none rise to the size of, say the 3" Star Trek MiniMates line or Sauron from the Lord of the Rings MiniMates line, they still work really well with plenty of the other MiniMates lines, allowing you to have BattleStar Galactica's Starbuck to have a sortie with Killer Croc... if you're so inclined.
Erich Arendall occasionally features the DC MiniMates in his webcomic Attercap.Net but has never allowed a fight between Killer Croc and Starbuck to break out.