The Superhero MovieReview by Sheryl Roberts
Recently most of my immediate family went to see Superhero Movie. Now, if you have seen X-Men, Spiderman,
Batman, Superman I, and Fantastic Four, you'll get the satire quite well. If you've seen Airplane, the humor
is like that, and you'll get a homage to that movie if you watch it closely. Sidra and Zack hated the second part of the movie, but they also disliked the second half of the first Spiderman movie and really, this whole movie focused on the first Spiderman movie. Paul and I hated the first Spiderman movie, but we loved the satire of it. Go figure. I'm not saying to rush out and see it, but if you do, stay through the credits...they have hilarious additional scenes and out takes during the credits. I'd give it a 3 out of 4 light sabers. If you don't like comics or comic book movies, steer clear of this one, I don't think you'll get it. However, I must tell you, this movie has the best fart jokes since Blazing Saddles, and that alone, is almost worth the price of admission.
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