Around The BLOCKheadBy: Erich ArendallEpisode 14: End of the BlockWell, folks, it's like we've hit the end of the road. Over the past year and change, I've shared all my knowledge of non-LEGO block figures with you. With sadness, some of the block figure lines that I expected to start up near the end of last year have been cancelled or put on indefinite hiatus, largely due to rising prices in oil causing even higher production costs. The fact of the matter is, most toy companies--even some of the big ones--are in it for the love of the toys and not the money. While I could continue to write about all the different lines of Minimates which have been produced and are in production ("Desperately Seeking Susan", "For a Few Dollars More", "Platoon"!), I never intended this column to be about reviewing individual lines, but, instead to excite people about block figures--in time for new lines to be released. There are plenty more Kubricks on their way, too. In fact, I recently saw a 4-pack of "Halo" (yes, the XBox 360 game) figures for only $20. But, by now, you know how I feel about lack of full articulation. I hope, over the past months, I've opened your eyes a little to the world of block figures and maybe even piqued your interest in seeking them out. The more people who buy and display them, the less nerdy I am, right? Seriously, though, block figures have given me some of the most fun I've had as a grown-up who still plays with toys and I hope that you, too, experience the joy yourself. Well, it's time for me to depart, but I leave you with these words of wisdom: Remember, size matters--and 2.5" is perfect. -erich This column may be over, but content from erich on Collector Times, isn't. Nor is erich's webcomic, Attercap.Net going away any time soon. After all, I bought the toys, I'm gonna use them. |
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