CryptoZooey #1

Published by: Alien Porkchop Publishing
Story, Pencils & Inks: Steve Troop
Colors: Sarah Troop

Reviewed by Sidra Roman

Move over Archie, there's a new children's comic book in town. CryptoZooey is the story of a girl named Zooey who goes on an adventure with a bunch of monsters to find her parents.

Zooey's parents are cryptozoologists. They go out looking for animals that by all rights are mere legend-Big Foot, the Jersey Devil, the Loch Ness Monster, you get the idea. The only problem is that on their last expedition, they disappeared.

Zooey has been living with her grandmother in the meantime. When Zooey's grandmother passes away, a strange man comes to pick her up from the funeral and from there, the wackiness begins.

CryptoZooey was the one book at San Diego Comic Con that immediately caught my attention. I was walking down an aisle when a small child in a pith helmet asked me if I wanted a bookmark. Not being one to turn down a cute costumed kid or a bookmark, I took one. A few moments later, I looked at the bookmark. It had an adorable little girl riding what looked to be a brontosaurus. From that moment on, I was sold.

The next day I made my way back to the booth and purchased my copy of CryptoZooey. And I can safely say it was money very well spent. The move reads very much like a children's book. It's fast paced and easy on the eyes. The words used are sharp without talking down to the reader, and best of all, it's accessible and enjoyable for an adult audience.

So if you have a special child in your life, or you're just a big kid yourself, see about picking up a copy of CryptoZooey at . If you look for the news link from July 18th, you can find the first five pages of this excellent book for free. Go check it out now. You won't regret it.

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Text Copyright © 2008 Sidra Roman

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