Dear Jason
Dear Jason,
I'm with you on the whole down with 'One Day
More' thing. I have to disagree with you on
something. In your recent Grey Matters column you
wrote: 'People say there have been few good Spider-Man
stories in 30 years.' Maybe this is true. Then
again -- there's Kraven's Last Hunt (which I reviewed
in the very same issue and is probably the best
Spider-Man story ever), The Death of Jean DeWolff, The
Sin Eater, the original Venom story, the wedding issue
and Kurt Busiek's Untold Tales of Spider-Man. Of
course, aside from Kraven's Last Hunt, I think some of
the best Spider-Man stories not just in recent years
but in the whole history of the character came out of
issues of Spider-Man: Tangled Web. Did you read Ennis
and McCrea's One Thousand? Not quite Preacher I'll
admit but good stuff. Or what about 'Flowers for
Rhino'. That one was hysterical. The Severance
Package was was amazing. After reading 'Behind the
Mustache' I finally understood and felt sympathy of J.
Jonah Jameson. These stories worked and Spider-Man
wasn't always the main character or even in them at
all. They focused on the supporting cast and our
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man wasn't always a
protagonist. it was Spider-Man taking plenty of
creative risk and it was fansmeggingtastic.
While we're on the subject of what people think:
People also say there has been a good X-Book story
since Lifedeath Part One but that would discount a
certain story about the greatest foe any X-Team ever
faced. That's right -- I'm talking about a mayo jar.
Yeah -- this is from me,
Jess Willey
