Andrew Weinstein waited in his office at the Weinstein Exotechnologies Workshop in Arlington, Virginia.
"Why be nervous?" he thought. "It's only a meeting with a psychiatrist. And not even a real one, at that. Only a religious quack."
But somehow he did feel nervous. He had called the local Hall of the Church of Histhology for a preliminary consultation regarding membership. He had implied that the entire League of Explorers was interested in joining. At their suggestion, he had assembled the internal resumes of some of the current members.
As a precaution, he had gone through and personally redacted some of the more sensitive data. Someone named Father Perennias would be arriving soon to conduct the preliminary evaluation. Lucas would have called his reaction "opening night jitters."
He kept remembering Professor Callidy's description of the robed cultists, the wavy blades, the strange idols. Were they from the Church of Histhology or from something that slipped through from another dimension?
But when his secretary showed Father Perennias in, the Father wore the collar of a Catholic Priest with a dark shirt and pants. His short round stature, together with his well-trimmed mustache and red van dyke beard made him look more like Sigmund Freud's dream of a Catholic leprechaun than anything else.
"Well, if he is a cultist," thought Andy. "He's not quite the sort I expected."
"Good evening, Father," he said pleasantly. "What can you tell me about the Church of Histhology?"
"Not very much, I'm afraid. Not until after the initial evaluation is completed. Do you have the paperwork?"
"Of course, it is all ready for you. Please have a seat."
"Oh, no. I must have a quiet place to sit and go over the materials you provide. Then, if I find that the Church would be interested, I will need to interview the applicants."
"Well, Father, some of them are out of town just now, but you can talk to me."
"No, no. I really need to look at your paperwork, so I can see just what sort of people you are."
"Pardon me Father, but aren't you going just a bit far? After all, what kind of church investigates their future parishioners?"
"A very careful one, I think. The Church has gotten quite a bit of bad publicity in the past. So if you'll just provide me with the resumes and a quiet place to look at them for a few hours, then I'll be willing to talk."
Andy thought it over. Was he willing to let the man look at their files, however carefully redacted, without any information or assurances from the Church?
"My secretary, Miss Moneypence, can show you to the library. Will that suffice?"
"I believe that would do, Mr. Weinstein."
Andy walked to the door and opened it.
"Miss Moneypence, could you give the good Father the files we assembled earlier and show him to the library please?"
"Certainly, sir." She picked up the thick stack of manila folders from a corner of her desk. "Just walk this way, Father."
Father Perennias raised his eyebrows at Andrew Weinstein and looked like he was about ready to waggle a cigar and reply, "I couldn't walk that way if I tried." But he didn't.
It was four hours and twenty-three minutes later before the good Father reappeared.
