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Welcome to the September Edition of The Collector Times!

This cover is a collaboration. Wally Flores Jr. came up with the idea, and Sidra Roberts Roman photo-shopped the idea into reality. Considering the screaming we've all been hearing about the Disney buy out of Marvel, I hope you'll keep your sense of humor and enjoy this.

Frankly, I'd buy this comic because it would be so wrong in so many ways. In fact, I'd buy all of the Marvel/Disney team ups because I'm sure they would be amusing. Then again, I really enjoyed that Archie/Punisher crossover, too.

For a reasoned opinion of the proposed Disney/Marvel merger, please read Graphic Content by Wally Flores Jr. Jesse Willey provides us with his favorite Marvel movies and television adaptations in his year-long series of Marvel articles. Not to be outdone, Jason Bourgeois tells us what he likes about the new Power Girl comic in Grey Matters. Me? I wrote the latest installment of The League of Explorers.

Well, I'm the kind of person who likes to make lemonade out of lemons. A good sense of humor has gotten me and my family through all sorts of crisis, including those of the comic book kind. So we're going to have a contest celebrating Marvel's merging with Disney. If you would like to participate, go here for the contest and the rules. The winner will get a sketch of his or her choice drawn by Joe Singleton.

Plus, we have lots more. Take some time and look around! As always, we are glad that you are here!

Sheryl Roberts
Editor, The Collector Times

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Copyright © 2009 Sheryl Roberts, Editor