Our cover comes to us courtesy of AJ Reardon. She's a talented beader as well as writer! I wanted her beaded Cthulhu for the October issue, but AJ was busy. Never mind, because any month is good for Cthulhu! AJ explains how she beaded her creepy monster here.
![]() We have an interesting issue for you this month. That is, if it ever goes online. At this point on Halloween, our internet connection and our cable connection have croaked. Yahoo! That's the joy of doing this internet rag. Expect the unexpected! So what do we have for you this month? We have a lighthearted interview with Chris Claremont by Jesse Willey. Ian Melton provides a reasoned exposition on why Crisis on Infinite Earths and Infinite Crisis failed in Comics Action . . . Comics Reaction. Jason Bourgeois also gives us a gazillion reasons why we should be reading Detective Comics and none of the reasons happen to be that Batwoman's a red head. My bullshit detector is beeping. And not to be outdone, Wally Flores reviews the status of Marvel and DC's youngest heroes in "Wasted Youth." Plus, as usual, we have a lot more. Take some time and look around. I think you'll be glad that you did!
Sheryl Roberts
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