Josh bounded into Andrew Weinstein's office and promptly fell over Chloe's sleeping body.
"Oof!" woofed Josh, as he landed on the floor. He grabbed Angelica's foot, silently said a prayer to whatever Gods there be, and disassembled her atoms.
"Man, I'm clumsy," said Josh, climbing to his feet and dusting himself off, "I hope I didn't disturb anything important."
Joe Bridge and The Wolf Pack stared at Josh.
Andrew looked sternly at Josh, "You just killed my sister, Duplicator. What do you have to say for yourself?"
"I'm sorry?" mumbled Josh, hoping no one noticed the sweat he felt slicking his skin.
"Never mind," said Andrew abruptly, "You just solved one problem for me."
"Shall we leave Mr. Weinstein?" asked Joe, holding his hand to the door. Andrew swept out of the room, and the Wolf Pack followed.
Josh waited until they were gone and started shaking Chloe vigorously. When he couldn't arouse her from her slumber, Josh heaved Chloe over his shoulder and headed for his car. He found comfort in knowing that once he got to Harmonic's apartment, someone would tell him what he needed to do.

One of the odd quirks of The Duplicator's powers is that when he removes mass from the universe, the universe replaces the mass from somewhere else. It was for this reason that Ezequiel Ramos, also known as Quetzalcoatl, found himself sitting at Alex Weinstein's desk. Ezequiel shook his head as he looked around. One minute walking on a mountain path, the next sitting in the chair of some white guy's desk, judging from the photos on the wall. "I guess this is what happens when you are an avatar of the feathered serpent god," he thought to himself sourly.
Ezequiel rose from his seat, and wandered out into the hallway in search of people. He needed to find out where he was and if he could find a way back home to Guatamala. Boy, was his wife going to be pissed. Whoever built this place has a lot of money, judging from the carpets and furnishings, he thought to himself as he peered into various meeting rooms and lounges. The place seemed deserted. Down the hallway, an elevator opened. Ezequiel had seen some strange sights in his short time as Quetzecoatl, but the guy in the pink bunny suit getting off the elevator seemed beyond belief. Only gringos would dress in such undignified dress! Still, it was a person, and he needed information.
"Hello," said Ezequiel to the fool in the bunny suit, "Where am I?"
Professor Callidy smiled at the simply dressed Hispanic man. "No habla Espanol," he said, grabbing the man's arm, "but I know a couple of people who do."
Angelica manifested into the dream world. "Alright, I must be unconscious, because we're on the battlefield and there's Lucas, Chloe and Major Patriot. That's not going to happen."
"It's happening," said Tuffy nuzzling her hand, "believe it."
"Hi folks!" Angelica waved, "What are we doing here?"
"Angelica!!!" Chloe shrieked exuberantly, bouncing over for a hug.
"Last I was aware, they were kicking me around fairly good," explained Angelica. "How did I get here?"
"Some things are better not questioned," barked Tuffy.
"Hoookay," sighed Chloe, looking worriedly at her dog, "We actually have bigger problems than that, Angelica."
"I know," replied Angelica, "Grayson Wolff has control of Andrew. He's convinced him that our brother Malcolm is alive and that if Andrew uses his brainpower on a problem for the Histologists, Malcolm will return to our world unharmed."
"Oh geeze, this IS going from bad to worse," exclaimed Lucas.
"I concur," said Major Patriot, "and this might be the only time you and I agree on anything, Harmonics. We need a plan."
"I think we should consult Andrew's girlfriend . . . " mused Angelica.
"Andrew has a girlfriend?!" chorused Lucas and Poupette, for entirely different reasons.
"Yes, Dr. Ilsalynn Bridge-Traeger, she's done a lot of work with Andrew in the past, and she's also the soon to be ex-wife of Joe Bridge. She's not only got insight into the workings of the Church of Histology, she might be the only one who can turn Andrew from his crusade to revive our brother."
"Great" said Chloe, hopping on Tuffy, who had suddenly sprouted wings. I'll go get her. We're all meeting at Lucas's house, right?"
"Ellie is going to kill me," moaned Lucas.
Major Poupette Primeux slapped Lucas on the back. "You're saving the world, Soldier. Ellie will understand."
"I guess I'd better go wake up, so I can join the party at Lucas's," said Angelica.
Chloe looked stricken. "You can't, Angelica. Not right now. Stay here and trust me, OK?"
Angelica stared at Chloe, fear growing in her heart.

Ezequiel studied the young woman seated across from him in the library. He sees a beautiful Latina, yet she's dressed like a whore. She has no respect for his machismo, either, and proudly tells him she's Texan. She would give the ladies of the altar society something to talk about back home, he mused wryly.
"You say you are a manifestation of Quetzecoatl? Juanita said patiently, "Did Mr. Weinstein bring you here to try out?"
"Who is Mr. Weinstein?" asked Ezequiel, "One minute I was in the mountains, and the next I am here. Shouldn't I be the one asking the questions?"
Juanita put her head on her hands. Madre con Dios! Andrew sure attracts some odd characters. What do people say about American English and British English? Two cultures separated by a common language? It works that way in the Spanish speaking world, too.
"I have had about enough!!" stormed Ezequiel, manifesting into Quetzecoatl, "I need someone to tell me what's going on."
Juanita was impressed, looking at Ezequiel's new powerful form. "Now there's a MAN!" she thought to herself. Too bad he's a raging chauvinist pig and married, to boot . . .

Major Patriot sat up in bed and said sharply, "Up Jefferson! I need you."
"I love it when you talk dirty," mumbled Jeff.
"Ouch!" he exclaimed when he received a punch for his witty banter, "What's going on?"
"Get dressed Jefferson," said Poupette briskly, reaching for her clothes, "Once we're dressed, we split up and gather the others. If you happen to run into Weinstein, agree to anything, but meet me at the rendezvous point at Harmonic's apartment. Understood?"
"Yes, Ma'am," Jeff said as he pulled up his pants, "You sure are sexy when you start giving orders . . . "
"I'll explain once we're at Harmonics," Major Patriot said glacially.

Jeff strode down the hall. He had found his share of The Explorers, save one. Juanita might be out on the town, because she liked the nightlife, but it seemed too early for that. Maybe she had a date. He looked in the library, and there was Juanita sitting across from some large Hispanic guy in what looked to be some snake's head costume with wings. Complete with shield. Who the hell was he? The Mexican version of Major Patriot? He stifled a giggle.
"Gotta date, Juanita?" Jeff asked, grinning at her.
"NO!" said Juanita, stricken, "I don't know who this guy is . . . "
"Well come on! Something's up. We have to meet at Harmonic's apartment."
"What do I do with this guy?" asked Juanita, rolling her eyes in the general direction of Quetzecoatl.
"Bring him! Poupette can figure it out later," said Jeff affably.
"Mind if I come, too?" asked Professor Callidy, "I believe I can make suggestions in this cosmic crisis."
"Sure, the more the merrier!" replied Jeff, "Cosmic crisis? Figures . . . "

The doorbell rang. Ellie put down the book she was reading. Who could it be at this time of day?
Darn it, she thought to herself, I bet the doorbell woke up Lucas. If it's some guy selling something, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.
Ellie opened the door to confront the vision of Angelica's boyfriend with a girl slung over his shoulder. A young girl.
"Hi Ellie!" said Josh, "I've got trouble. Can I come in? Lucas is expecting me."
"Come on in," said Ellie smiling, all the while thinking of what she was going to say to Lucas when he woke up. Angelica, too. Wait a minute, was that girl on Josh's shoulder the mystic sleeper with the long code name that no one could remember? You'd think that Lucas would share if anything important was going on . . .
"Lucas," shouted Ellie, "You've got company!"
The doorbell rang again. Ellie watched as Josh gently lay the girl on the couch and then she opened the door. She was confronted with a man in a pink bunny suit, a man in a snake costume with wings, and a couple of people in regular superhero costumes.
Ellie threw the door open. "Come on in! I don't THINK it's Halloween, but maybe we're having a costume party and Lucas forgot to tell me."
"LUCAS!!!!" Ellie shouted at the closed bedroom door, "Come on out! The crowd is growing!"
Lucas came staggering out of the bedroom, shirtless. He stared at the group in the living room, and turned on his heels, "Ellie, please put the coffee on. I'm going to need a gallon. Keep 'em entertained while I put on my Harmonics costume."
"Lucas," hissed Ellie following him into the bedroom, "Don't you think you could mention that you've joined the Explorers again and that something important is happening?"
"Ellie," Lucas said, looking seriously into her eyes, "I didn't know until I took a nap."
"What kind of answer is that?" whispered Ellie, "An important decision like this, you'd think . . . "
The door bell rang again. Ellie glared at Lucas.
"Go answer the door Ellie," said Lucas doggedly, "I don't have time to explain my reasons right now, and the crowd in the living room is just the beginning. Trust me, and make some coffee."
Ellie stomped back into the living room to greet Dr. Ilsalynn Bridge-Traeger. Who was opening the door now? This was her home, darn it! Ellie went to make coffee, fuming. She ignored the doorbell and started digging in her cabinets for her large coffeemaker she kept for events like bridal showers. "I sure hope I have enough cups to go around," thought Ellie, "Maybe I should send someone down to the grocery store to get some styrofoam cups . . . "
"It's important, you know," said The Easter Bunny seriously, causing Ellie to jump.
"What?" she said, whirling around.
"This mission," said The Easter Bunny, "Our entire civilization depends upon The League of Explorers. The world depends upon their success."
"I've heard that before," said Ellie, tears welling in her eyes, "somehow the world always needs them."
"I suspect that just because it's a trite statement doesn't make it any less true . . . or the situation less dire," said The Easter Bunny thoughtfully.
"Who are you? And what's your superpower?" asked Ellie, curiosity overcoming her weepiness.
"I have no superpower. I'm just a consult to The League of Explorers. My name is Professor Calliday," said The Easter Bunny.
"Then why are you dressed like that?" asked Ellie.
"It's a long, strange story. Why don't I tell it to you while you make some coffee?" smiled The Easter Bunny.

Lucas surveyed his living room. Chloe was still sleeping on the couch, and there were costumed people overflowing into the dining area. Ellie was glaring at him from the kitchen, handing out coffee. Someone had stopped to pick up some donuts on the way over, goodness knows who thought of that while the future of the world was at stake. "Doesn't matter," thought Lucas munching on a donut, "I'm grateful."
"Attention people!" he shouted, and waited for people to quiet down, "We have to develop a plan."
"What kind of plan," asked Jeff, "and where's Andrew and Angelica?"
"That's part of the problem," explained Lucas, "Andy has been taken over by The Wolff Pack, and is busy helping them to bring back his brother, who is the 13th beast, and will unleash chaos and terror upon the world if the Histologists plan succeeds. Angelica's fine, just talked to her a few minutes ago."
"Uh OK," said Jeff, "never mind the background. What do you want us to do?"
"First things first," said Lucas, "Joe Bridge is spearheading this whole Histology thing. Dr. Bridge-Traeger may have a unique perspective about what to do with Joe and Andrew."
"I do," said Dr. Bridge-Traeger, "But first I have to ask . . . "
The meeting was halted by a blood curdling scream from Chloe on the couch. "NO TIME!" she shouted, "I know where they are planning to release the 13th beast! We need to move NOW."
Next: Endings and Beginnings
Characters created by Jesse N. Wiley and various authors
