I received an odd letter from a college buddy after I showed him a link to last month's 'Did I Get What I Paid For'. He wrote the following response:
"Your wording was a little harsh in many of the reviews particularly that bit on 'X-Men: Day of The Atom.' Could you please issue an apology?"
I after reviewing my comments I have to say- most assuredly. I have many electronic penpals from around the world. Thus to paraphrase Monty Python, "Some of my best friends are Belgian Postage Inspectors and only a few of them are involved in harsh renditions."
While I have never left the American continent, I'm sure Belgium is a wonderful country. After all, look at all the wonderful things Belgium has contributed to world culture. They are the producers some of the finest chocolates in the world. They are the true inventors of the French Fry and French Toast. My theory on that is Napoleon came marching in, tried them, liked them and annexed them for France. Which means he must have hated waffles which is by far Belgium's best known contribution to the world of food. My mom, who is into crafts of all sorts, informs me that the Belgians are also makers of fine lace. It is the home of Agatha Christie's hero Hercule Poirot.
This being a comic book magazine, I would also be somewhat remiss in not mentioning Belgium's very own contribution to comics: that international preadolescent adventurer Tintin. Name anywhere on Earth from the Kalahari to the bottom of the ocean and Tintin has stopped crime there. He's even been to the moon and saved Belgium from an invasion from outer space. His tales of excitement have thrilled children and adults for generations. He's so popular there is bootleg fan-comic where he fights Batman. He's been the star of several animated films in Europe with a big budget venture in development from Executive Producer Steven Spielberg.
So from now on I promised not to make fun of anyone for their place of origin ever again. Unless they're Texan and then they're just asking for it.
