Press Releases |
M Press/Dark Horse is pleased to announce that St. Petersburgšs Bob
Andelman, author of the new biography "Will Eisner: A Spirited Life," will
make his first book store appearance:
Saturday, November 26 Andelman will also appear in Sarasota:
Wednesday, December 21 These will likely be Andelmanšs only signings in the Tampa Bay area before Christmas and Hanukkah. In January, Andelman will also sign his book:
Friday, January 13 Andelman will make a presentation about Eisneršs life and sign books in a return visit to Sarasota:
Saturday, January 28 And in February, Andelman will be a featured guest at Floridašs largest comic book convention, MegaCon, which will be held Feb. 24-26 at the Orange County Convention Center. In addition to signing books, Andelman will offer an hour-long presentation on Eisneršs life, including rare family photos and artwork from the masteršs 70-year career. ABOUT WILL EISNER: Pop culture would never have been the same without Will Eisner. Internationally recognized as the founding father of an utterly American medium . . . comic books . . . Eisner pioneered this art form in the late 1930s, and continued to shape its direction until his passing at 87 in 2005. This personality-driven biography, written by Bob Andelman, explores the fascinating life of Eisner and details a career that stretched over 70 years. Eisner spearheaded the cause of comics for adult readers (including 30 years spent producing comics for the U.S. Army and corporate clients such as General Motors and the United Nations) and in 1978 published the first widely recognized graphic novel, A Contract With God. Eisner trained some of the worldšs greatest comic art talent: Bob Kane (Batman); Jack Kirby (Fantastic Four); Jules Feiffer; Dave Berg (Mad); and Joe Kubert (Tarzan). Eisner also inspired generations of modern artists and writers, including Frank Miller (Sin City), Robert Crumb, Harlan Ellison, Neil Gaiman (Sandman, American Gods), Dave Gibbons (Watchmen) Brad Bird (The Incredibles), Patrick McDonnell (Mutts) and Art Spiegelman (Maus). "The Spirit," Eisneršs most famous comics character is in pre-production as a major motion picture from Batman Begins producer Michael Uslan. And the Spirit will join the DC Comics Universe in December in an ongoing monthly title that will bring the character into the realm of Batman and Superman for the first time. The "Oscars" of the comic book world are the "Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards," have been given annually at San Diegošs Comic-Con International since 1987. ABOUT BOB ANDELMAN: Bob Andelman co-writes "Sports News of the Weird" with Chuck Shepherd for Universal Press Syndicate. He is the author or co-author of nine books, including three with sports themes - "Stadium For Rent," "Why Men Watch Football" and "The Corporate Athlete." He also is the co-author of three bestselling business management books, including "The Profit Zone" (with Adrian Slywotzky), "Built from Scratch" (with Home Depot co-founders Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank) and "Mean Business" (with notorious corporate turnaround specialist "Chainsaw" Al Dunlap). Andelman has lived in the Tampa Bay area since 1982. He has a bacheloršs degree in film studies with a minor in American literature from the University of Florida. He and his wife, Mimi, an editor at the St. Petersburg Times, have been married since 1988.
What's Up, David Kaye?* |
*VANCOUVER November 7, 2005* *WB's** "Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island" *has power-housed its way to # 1 in the battle of the Saturday Morning Cartoon Wars. *David Kaye* provides the voices for a couple of the funny little characters, *'Rusty Can-do *&* 'Bunga Berry'*, a Strawberry-Pug cross . . . Yes, you read right. Bungo is a native wild strawberry that acts like an untrained, energetic dog and dresses in wild Tarzan-style outfits. Coconut Fred has apparently struck gold with the kids. "Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island" features a tiny tropical haven for living, breathing bananas, melons, mangos, lemons and other fruit that have made it their home with a wacky, weird and wild coconut named Fred. A ball of endless energy, filled with a big heart and sweet, sloshy milk, Fred is an eternal optimist who pursues his dreams. As Fred contemplates his next big idea, whatever he thinks about actually happens with a little help from the creative show team at WBA. Kaye: "The character reminded me of my friend's Pug. All energy. A slobbering round ball of energy that was always out-of-control and running into things . . . They loved the interpretation, and voila, Mutant Fruit Dog. " Speaking of Mutants, David Kaye does double duty on *EA's "Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects",* voicing both *Iron Man* and *Wolverine*. It was a chance of-a-lifetime for David Kaye as the story was done by none other than Marvel Comic's legendary writer, *Mark Millar*. Kaye: "Mark's gotta be one of my favorite comic book writers of all time. I just had to do this game, no matter what. I've played the game and it looks great! *Jae Lee*'s character designs are awesome. I'm telling you it was a blast to record these characters, especially Wolverine, a Canadian Mutant Hero." You'll hear David Kaye's work again in the fourth installment of the popular *"Ratchet & Clank" *games, *Insomniac's* "*Ratchet: Deadlocked"*reprising his role of hilarious assistant *Clank*, another small misfit, although not of the fruit kind. (Reviews listed below). There remains the question of what will be the next mutation of David Kaye . . . be afraid, very afraid.
Arizona State University Art Museum Tempe, Arizona
10th Annual
Complete history of the festival, guidelines for entry,
a complete list of the works that have been
screened at past festivals and a few success stories
can be found online at the following address:
Deadline for Entering Work
Festival is scheduled to take place We look forward to having you join us! All the very best,
Arizona State University Art Museum
To raise money for the Red Cross and the victims of Hurricane Katrina, writers
and artists from around the world have gathered under the banner of Monkeys with
Machineguns' "The Hammer of Time". This first edition of the book contains a
plethora of short stories and comic strips, donated by the creators for this very
worthy cause and representing some of the best the independent comics and fiction
scene has to offer. Get this great comic and help support Hurricane relief!!!
November 10, 2005 For Immediate Release
ELF-HELP Co-Creator
Komikwerks, LLC Today, Stan Lee's Sunday Comics, an imprint of Komikwerks ( announces a trifecta: a third addition to its new breed of free, high-standard online comics. ELF-HELP is a comedy fantasy adventure by writer Robert Burke Richardson (STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS 8) and artist Martín Morazzo (THE NETWORK). ELF-HELP will update on Wednesdays for AOL users, and a day later for the rest of the world. "They say the golden age of comic books is whatever year it was when you were twelve: ELF-HELP is a comic for the twelve-year-old in all of us," says Richardson. "It's sophomoric, juvenile, and, very occasionally (when it thinks you're not looking), just a little bit poignant. It's a story about friendship, and is brought to life with incredible care and respect by artist Martín Morazzo and colorist Robt Snyder."
![]() "ELF-HELP makes me laugh," says Steve Horton, online comics editor for Stan Lee's Sunday Comics. "The characters' personalities are outstanding, and the situations these young teens find themselves in are fascinating. Plus, Morazzo's art is breathtaking." "The first episode is all about the only thing every single human being loves as soon as they're born: breasts," says Richardson. "The whole species loves breasts -- mammals are named for the mammary gland, after all. One might even go so far as to say it is the DUTY of every single human being on the planet to read ELF-HELP . . . the survival of the species may depend on it!" Check out ELF-HELP on AOL Wednesdays, and on on Thursdays! About Komikwerks Komikwerks LLC was founded in 2000 by Patrick Coyle and Shannon Denton, and is now partners with equity partner, New York based ibooks. Komikwerks is a comic publisher dedicated to publishing high-quality, professional level, creator-owned comics through digital and other distribution methods. Komikwerks' website launched in March of 2001, and has been named a SciFi Channel "Cool Site". Contributors to the Komikwerks site and series of print anthologies include comic industry veterans from major print publishers such as Marvel, DC, Image, and Dark Horse.
Title: The PHANTOM: Legacy
Story: Ben Raab Art: Pat Quinn Colors: Art Lyon
96pgs, 7" x 10", squarebound, color, Rated PG13 The origin of the Phantom as you've never seen it before -as told by the Ghost Who Walks himself! Ripped from the pages of the very first Chronicle, (the on-going journal/diary written by every Phantom) this original 96-page epic GN by written BENJAMIN RAAB (Living In Infamy, Human Race) and illustrated by PAT QUINN (The Phantom) and ART LYON (Top 10: The Forty-Niners) reveals how a centuries-old tradition of fighting piracy, cruelty and injustice was passed down from one generation of Walkers to the next. The LEGACY of the Phantom!
Title: The PHANTOM #10
Story: Chuck Dixon 32pgs, color, $3.50 PART 2 of 2 from Action-Master Chuck Dixon! The PHANTOM runs straight from modern slave trade fire into witchcraft HELL. Riding a getaway train through a storm of bullets, he is confronted by an evil SHAMAN who stops the train dead in it's tracks. With an army of angry slavers coming up on him fast, will he be able to beat this foe who commands PHANTOMS of his own?
November 8, 2005 This month Narwain is pleased to launch its first titles onto the U.S. market. Topping the list of eclectic, high-quality books is the modern noir story, "Free Fall", a crime thriller that comic creator and TV producer Jeph Loeb calls a "vortex of danger and the unexpected." Written by Gianluca Piredda with art by Eric J and Jimmy Palmiotti and colors by David Bryant, "Free Fall" details the account of a band of thieves circling an impossible target and their innovative but morbid scheme for pulling off the most dangerous bank heist. Loeb is well known to comic fans as the writer of "Batman: Hush" and "The Long Halloween" (among many others), and to TV fans as a producer on "Smallville." On top of that he'll soon to be joining the crew of the mega-hit series "Lost." Still, he was passionate enough about "Free Fall" to provide an introduction for the book. The story, according to Loeb is bred from the swamp of a new, 21st century noir. "Gianluca Piredda's passion for [noir] stories may have been born out of his Italian heritage, but in 'Free Fall' he demonstrates an understanding of world -- and some would say American -- present day thinking," writes Loeb. "Free Fall" #1 features stunning cover art by Jay Anacleto and Brian Haberlin. It is the first of a three issue mini series, due in comic shops this month. The book is 32 full color pages with a cover price of $3.99. Please contact for more information.
Publisher's 10th Anniversary Celebration Continues On New Forums CHICAGO, IL -- 7 November, 2005 - While Moonstone Books has been around for just over a decade, their message boards have been conspicuously absent for some time now. However, in light of the 10th Anniversary Celebration, Moonstone Publisher Joe Gentile would like to take the opportunity to invite you to join the discussions on the all new Moonstone Forums. "Visitors to the forums can read up on the latest Moonstone news and participate in discussions with the various Moonstone creators and staff as well as other Moonstone aficionados," states Gentile. "In addition, visitors will be able to read the latest "Gal on the Moon" columns and check out interviews with Moonstone Creators as well as find links to Moonstone news, reviews and feature articles all across the Web."
Those wishing to drop by the Moonstone Forums can simply follow this
link: In addition to the content mentioned above, Moonstone has plans for contests, sneak peaks and other interactive events that can only be enjoyed by participation on the forums. More information on Moonstone Books, its partners, properties and services can be found at
HAVERHILL, MA, November 3, 2005 - It wasn't planned this way, but it seems
that zombies, aliens, and other supernatural creatures dominate the most
recent issue of the acclaimed anthology DIGITAL WEBBING PRESENTS! (Perhaps
we're under their control and don't even know it!) The feature story, "Zombie Highway," is written by Jason Pell. The story begins with art from the talented crew of Roberto Viacava, Eduardo Bazan, and Robert Snyder, and then shifts to a more exaggerated style with Derek Laufman, Stacie Ponder, and Kieran Oats. "'Zombie Highway, despite the name, has never been about zombies for me," explains Pell. I'm much more interested in the people that live in that nutty world." "This installment features Mr. Maple, an undertaker before the zombies occupied the world. Little has changed in his mind, except perhaps the dead need a little more aggressive persuasion to stay in the ground. And if lives are lost, then that's just more business. Maple is not evil, but lives completely, uncompromisingly in the gray." Chris Eliopoulos, well-known to Marvel fans as one of their primary letterers, brings "Sherman's Room" to this issue of DWP. The tale is about a creative young boy under family pressure -- his mother pushes him to grow up, his dad thinks he just needs to work, his sister beats the daylights out of him. But in his room, he hides two aliens that help him cope with life and do things he never imagined. Eliopoulos is excited about going beyond peoples' preconceptions about his talents. " I always need to write and draw, even if it's just for myself," he says. "This story is based on my childhood, and I'm coming out with a full comic soon!" Writer Aaron Nelson and artist Dario Carrasco contribute the Bob Zombie story, "Dance, iZombies, Dance!" As Australia's most famous zombie hunter, Bob Zombie hosts a reality television show called "Undead Zone" that documents his exploits as a zombie hunter and warns the public about the dangers of zombiedom. "Bob's basically a mixture of Steve Irwin and Duke Nukem," chuckles Nelson. In this story, Bob squares off with some fancy-footworkin' zombies who try to snack on a helpless toddler. "Dario and I were attracted to DWP because we really like the comic book and felt it was a great venue to showcase our creation," says Nelson. "We found inspiration in Dario's love of pulp adventure, and my desire to rip out my eyeballs from watching too many "Crocodile Hunter" episodes!" Finally, writer Kevin Melrose, artist Brian Churilla and colorist Eric Erbes bring "Sack-'em-Up Gentleman" to the creepy DWP party. In Great Britain of the early 19th century, medical schools had to compete for a limited number of executed criminals to dissect. As the number of medical students climbed, so did the demand for cadavers -- to the point that schools and individuals sometimes paid body snatchers to procure corpses. Occasionally, desperate students would even find their own cadavers. "In the story, two students stake out a village cemetery, waiting for the right corpse, to further their education, of course. Unfortunately, they're not the only ones with a keen interest in the recently departed," explains Melrose. "'Sack-'em-Up Gentleman' combines 19th century history and elements of Cornish and Breton folklore, two of my geekish hobbies." The issue is wrapped in a deliciously demented cover by Nick Bradshaw -- current DANGER GIRL and former ARMY OF DARKNESS artist. DIGITAL WEBBING PRESENTS #27 (40 pages, full color cover and interiors, $3.99) will be released in December.
November 2, 2005 -- One problem with most of today's "special edition" comics
are that they're not really all that special. That's why Narwain Publishing
is pleased to offer a limited edition of "Jenna" #2 that comes with much
more than just a variant cover. "Jenna" #2, the limited edition, will be packaged with an exclusive CD from Iron Maiden front man Paul Dianno. Dianno has crafted five songs in his signature heavy metal to serve as a soundtrack for the book. This limited edition is also packaged with a large poster that will be autographed by one of the book's creators. This special edition will be limited to only 1000 copies, making it a rare must-have item for fans of Narwain's flagship title. Jenna is a young girl living a picture perfect life that seems like something out of a TV show. Jenna learns that her home, her parents -- her whole life is not what it seems as she peels away the polished veneer of her existence and uncovers the frightening truth that lies beneath. One part "The Omen", one part "Desperate Housewives" and one part shojo manga, Jenna promises to be one of the year's most unique and entertaining comics. Please contact for more information.
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