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Welcome to Collector Times.com

Welcome to the March edition of The Collector Times online!

For the front cover, I decided to spotlight someone who produces a comic month after month and rarely gets the spotlight . . . Erich Arendall. Click on the picture so you read the comic

His Muppet Times cartoons are amusing, so I suggest you give them a look!

We lost prolific comics and animation writer Dwayne McDuffie this last month, much too soon. Jamie Coville and Mat Bredfeldt both write better tributes in their columns than I could, so please be sure to go read that. I console myself that the comics character Static will be a lasting tribute to Mr. McDuffie's creativity.

You thought we were done with the League of Explorers for awhile, didn't you? Well, Jess Willey certainly wanted you to think so, but he wrote a hilarious annual featuring the characters, so go look at it and see if you can find all of the inside jokes. You don't have to know the inside jokes for it to be funny, but it's fun looking for those Easter Eggs.

Plus, we have a whole lot more, so take some time and look around. You'll be glad that you did.

Sheryl Roberts
Editor, The Collector Times

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Copyright © 2011 Sheryl Roberts, Editor