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Welcome to Collector Times.com

Welcome to the October Edition of The Collector Times!

Man, has DC Comics' 52 arrived? You know it has! This is one of the nice splash pages featured in some of the comics. This is from Batgirl #1.

If you want some reviews and opinions, try reading Wally Flores Jr.'s column Graphic Content and Mat Bredfeldt's DC's New 52. I suspect I'll be pontificating about it next month . . . it's just the sort of thing to inspire opinions and controversy.

We have lots of other interesting things here this month. Jess Willey finishes his article on Campbell's mythology this month. And in an odd take on 52, explains what comics he thought should be brought back. To add to the oddness, Jamie Coville drops an essay about his favorite obscure villain, which comes from the Marvel U.

My favorite obscure villain? Easy. It's Nardo, hands down. You have to either be old like me, or know Silver Age Adventure comics like me to know who Nardo is. Let's just say he's scarlet with triple eyes and leave it at that.

Please take some time and look around, I'm pretty sure you'll be glad you did! Thanks for visiting! Ya'll come back now, ya hear?

Sheryl Roberts
Editor, The Collector Times

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