Dear Collector Times Crew,
I consider the September issue a late birthday present. Why? My birthday was August 1st
but I love Star Trek. Which didn't show up until the September Issue. It's not just that.
I've seen two other comics related news sites do Star Trek related issues this month for the
45th anniversary and I think ours was the best. It's not because I'm biased since ours was
my idea. It's because well -- it's the kind of tribute I think Gene Roddenberry would have
approved of. You know why? Star Trek was all about how mankind owes it to itself to find
solutions to problem without excluding people. It's about trying to overcome our violent
tendencies. It's about find common ground in spite of our differences. I know from
writings of many of the other contributors have differences of opinions with me on a lot
things. Many of them having to do with religion and politics which are two of the most
intractable arguments you can get into. I am pretty much your stereotypical early 30s,
so poor he rents from his folks, atheist, liberal. I know for a fact Rick Higginson
is not any of those things. Yet in our enjoyment of Star Trek we have found common
ground. So while transporters, warp drive, time travel and communicating with whatever
sentient life may be out there is probably impossible -- maybe the spirit of Roddenberry's
dream of a better tomorrow isn't. We should just be looking for it a little closer to home.
