Since DC restarted their entire line a couple of months ago, Marvel decided to get into the action too! Here is the cover of the new Daredevil comic.
![]() Wally Flores Jr. decided to give us a look at a couple of the new Marvel series, while Jason Bourgeois and Mat Bredfeldt stuck with reviewing some of the New 52 from DC. Jesse Willey managed to reach his goal of reading and reviewing 52 books in a year and all of us at the CT congratulate him on his achievement! AJ Reardon returns to her gaming column with a complaint about absent gamers, while Rick Higginson gives us his opinion about the Occupy Back Wall Street movement. Plus we have much more. All in all, it's a very varied and interesting issue and I hope you all take some time and look around. As usual, we are glad that you are here!
Sheryl Roberts
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