Writing: This was an okay first issue. It would have been even better if the writer for the issue, Robert Venditti, had spent less time with the Visigoths and Romans and more time possibly getting to the meat of the story rather than giving us the gristle right off the bat. The dialog seems to me to be okay, but I'm not an ancient historian and have no idea how they talked back then. Having the spider aliens worship the manowar armor seems like that for all their technological advancement with spaceships and things like that they still are kind of an ass backwards society. That or they think the armor is a gift from the gods and worship it like some religious text in their society says. Also what was the deal with the aliens carrying off the baby of the leader of the Visigoths and leaving a sort of sleeper baby in the camp? Could this mean that the human baby is going to take control of the armor not the young leader?
Art: The interior art is well done. It is done by Cary Nord and while not on the level of the original Barry Winsor-Smith art, I think it is an acceptable substitute. The only thing that I did not like about this whole thing was that the cover seems to imply there will be an appearance of a human in the armor and there is not. I'm okay with that because it is done on virtually every comic these days.
Colors and Letters: I think this has to do with the colors and letters, but whole book seems to have a bit of a dark vibe running through it with the inks, and I'm wondering if that was intentional or if the whole process just ran away with them and they thought it was a good choice. I would have liked to see more color in the whole book, but I guess when you are dealing with Visigoths, Romans and Aliens; color is not high on the priority list. Otherwise, the colors by Moose Baumann convey everything that needs to be shown with a minimal palate. The letters, by Dave Lamphear, are done very well and with the exception of a few panels that seem to have a lot of stuff crammed into a speech bubble, they do not block the art all that much.