Playing God: World Development and Other RP-Related Ramblings

By AJ Reardon

And now it's time for further adventures in co-GMing! I am still languishing in the realm of assistant GM, largely ignored and useless as the characters keep avoiding every single part of the game that I have developed. Thanks for that, players! I know they're not doing it on purpose, but it is frustrating nonetheless.

Our current plans involves having me run the next little storyline, but first the group has to actually get to the point where I can give them a plot hook. And of course, here it is the Wednesday before our Friday game, and I have not yet come up with an adventure for the group. Oh no! Why do all of my deadlines have to be piled on top of each other?

I have to admit, I can't even remember the last time I had to run a game. It's been a while. Thankfully 3rd edition Earthdawn is a little more GM-friendly than previous editions, and actually has levels listed for the creatures, so I know what can safely be thrown up against a group of Circle 1-2 characters. In previous editions, you had to look at the legend points awarded for killing it to get a general idea of how powerful it was, then carefully read over the entry to decide if it would be a fair fight.

It will be interesting to see how the group responds to me as primary GM, and whether they keep addressing their questions to my husband instead. I'm pretty sure everything will be great, as long as I resist the urge to have rocks fall from the sky and crush the characters I don't like.

Honestly, I am not particularly worried. This group has played under a number of GMs, ranging from great to awful. One particular GM lasted less than a session after the characters failed to follow the exact path he expected us to go on. Past games have been so awful that the players tried to have their characters commit suicide to get out of it, only to have the GM not allow them. With those horrible examples in mind, any mistakes that I make will be pretty small in comparison.

My main hope about co-GMing is to get the rest of the group as excited about Earthdawn as I am. I freakin' love this game, and I am glad that Red Brick has picked up where Living Room Games left off. I'm glad that a few members of the group have really gotten into the spirit of it and read up on their chosen race and class to better play them. I think that once we get past this awkward stage of getting everyone settled into Parlainth, and playing characters that they like, that things will get a lot more exciting for everyone.

If not, well, there's always still the option of vengeful sky rocks hurled by an angry GM.


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