Random Crap

By: Mathew Bredfeldt

It's May children and that means the year is almost half over. Convention season is just getting warmed up and pretty soon folks will be crisscrossing the world to go to comic book and pop culture conventions over the summer. Meanwhile I'll still be here looking at the internet for things that might interest you.



As some of you know, I was trying to get into the miniatures gaming scene a few years ago, but because the store I was playing in was shut down I never got the chance to give it one more shot.

One of the things that bummed me out about playing HeroClix was that the players who I was playing with were very well versed in the game and its strategies while I was not. They played with teams that were min-maxed and went through some teams like they were paper versus a paper shredder. On the other hand, when I went to play, I found out the point value and built a team regardless of min-maxing. I have never been a person who is hypercompetitive so I did not min-max my teams because I don't want to be that kind of player. I want to play a themed team that is from the comics like the Thunderbolts (Luke Cage version) or Runaways. I do not want to play a team that has been thrown together because they all have good synergy and come from both Marvel and DC. To me that is no fun at all. I went to these tournaments to get out of the house for a few hours and meet people and if my team won a game then so much the better.

Another thing is that if you play a themed team that is not ultra killer and balanced to the point that there is no weakness then you will be ragged on when you post it on a HeroClix message board. I posted something back then to the effect that I was going to play a U-Foes team one day at a tournament and I was made fun of because the U-Foes were not a powerful group to play and had too many weaknesses. I wanted to play them because they were a group of villains I had never heard of and wanted to see what would happen. After that I just gave up going to the tournaments because of what some jackass behind a keyboard in another part of the world was saying.

Now I am thinking I want to try to give the game another chance. Mostly because I don't give a care about what some jackass behind a keyboard somewhere else in the world thinks. If I want to play a comic accurate Alpha Flight or Thunderbolts team than I will do it. I'm going to try to play more at home rather than at a tournament because I won't have the cutthroat players to deal with because a prize is on the line.


Why DVD's/Blu-Rays should be around a while.

The media company Shout! Factory has put up on its web site the top five reasons why DVD's should be around for a good long while. The list was compiled from postings on their Facebook page when they asked the question.

Here's the link to the article if you are interested.

I like the way some of these people think when they say they can loan disks to friends. When VHS was around in the 1980's and 90's we did that all the time. I also did not know about Netflix and Hulu taking down content after about a year and putting new movies and shows up. That really sucks. Also the whole thing with bonus features is what sold me on DVD's back in 2000 when I was always thinking that companies should put the original trailers for movies on the tape with the movie. For me that is a little bit of my history geek coming through. The best part is of course #5 in which there is no buffering with DVD's. Sure you have to wait for them to load when they are in the player, but that sure beats buffering on any kind of internet connection.


Something Needs to be Done

I was clicking around on the internet the other day and saw that someone is making a sequel to the movie Mrs. Doubtfire, 21 years after the first one was released. Okay, this is getting really bad. There needs to be a rule that you only have X number of years between the first movie and the second if making a sequel. Twenty-one years is far too long to wait to make a sequel. I'd set the cap at somewhere around 3-5 years. After that, just shelve it unless you want to call it a reboot.

I read later that a sequel was in the works after the first one was a success in the late 1990's. There was stopping and starting constantly on work with the script and eventually the whole thing fell through. It appears though that somehow it is back on track.


Quick Hits

The latest Batman series in animated form, Beware the Batman, stopped being aired by Cartoon Network sometime late last year and has been put back in the schedule starting May 10 at 3am in the Toonami block Saturday nights. (Check your guide, TV or On Screen) for exact times in your area.

If you are in Dallas, please attend this year's Dallas Comic Con. They have basically set up a Firefly/Serenity reunion with the whole cast being there. I'm going to be there Sunday to get Morena Baccain's Autograph on my Serenity movie poster and maybe get a photograph with her as well.

John Green's brother Hank does an acoustic version of what is believed to be the oldest song in human history that was written out. It's in ancient Greek so you may not know what he is saying, but just listen to the music. Here's the link on YouTube.

That about wraps up things for this month. As always, story ideas, comments, questions and praise (I do love me some praise) can be sent to mlbcollectortimes@gmail.com and I'll see you all in June.


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