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Welcome to the October edition of the Collector Times Online!
First, Id like to share with you a photo that I didnt have last month. My daughter Sidra, like me, is a devoted Legion of superheros fan. She has the Mike Grell version of the Night Girl costume, which you saw last month in our San Diego Convention pictures (if you havent seen the photos, they are in our archives). This is the current Night Girl costume, designed by Jeff Moy, and is based on the silver age Night Girl costume.

Sidra was a big hit at San Diego in this beehive costume. People were constantly asking for her picture, and she happily posed. She won The Best Costume of the Show, given by an indie publisher, and received a box of chocolate covered macadamian nuts, which pleased her immensely. Later, when I went to buy a comic or two from the man who awarded the prize, I discovered that he produces furry animal pornography comics. Needless to say, I didnt buy any, but Sidra winning the costume award from him cracked me up.
In this issue of the Collector Times, Jamie interviews Tom DeFalco, ex-editor in chief of Marvel comics, and now a writer/editor of the MC2 line of Marvel comics. Joe Singleton starts a new column this month, called Artistic License, combining his art and writing talents, where he redesigns costumes of superheroes and explains his rationale for it. Andrea Spencer writes a witty column in the Silver Screen this month, where she compares Titanic and Lady and the Tramp. Scott Crawford returns with a unique tribute to Neil Gaiman. Craig Gaddis also starts a new column this month, devoted to anime.
Well, we have a *lot* of wonderful stuff here, as always. Take your time, look around, and enjoy!