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New Comic

Steeped in High Action and lovingly presented in the slam-bang pulp style, High Stakes Adventure takes you into the far-flung future with the Giant Fighters, as they attempt to thwart the evil efforst of the War Preists!

Also: Deep beneath the Earth's crust, trapped in a tangle of cavernous underwater tunnels, the S.E.A. Force is faced with the mysterious disappearance of one of their own!

Plus: When a western gunfighter known as the Shotgun Kid disturbs the balance of the underworld, he's bestowed with immortality and assumes the mantle of a supernatural warrior!

All this and a Danger Squad story that takes you to the frigid wastelands of the arctic circle.

Cover by Shannon Denton and Danny (Spawn) Miki. Cover colors by Liquid!

Stories and art by Kurt Hathaway and Shannon Denton.

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