Judgment Calls

Greetings and salutations, welcome to another Judgment Calls. This month I'm going to ramble on about the new JSA, the future of JLA, report some things about Titans, and Young Justice. If the information or other things this month are messed up, forgive me, finals are killers.

This month marks the beginning of the new Justice Society of America! After all the hype the JSA has been receiving of late, the Golden age one shots, and JLA Crisis times 5 arc featuring the JSA, the JSA series will finally be launching! Issue 1 and a JSA Secret Files are due out this month. The team's line up will consist of old golden-agers and new versions on old golden age characters. The initial line-up will have Sentinel (golden-age Green Lantern Alan Scott), the Flash (Jay Garrick), Wildcat, Atom Smasher, (a new) Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Starman, Sand, (The new) Hourman, and (the new) Star-Spangled Kid.

That will be the starting line-up, from what I hear Starman wont stick around long and he'll leave the team. Also over the course of the year, the team will encounter some other new versions of golden agers, though they won't join the team. I've heard the second year of the book plans to iron out some of the wrinkles in the golden age continuity.

Well, if you haven't heard, Mark Waid will be taking over JLA for Grant Morrison during 2000. HE WILL BE CUTTING THE TEAM DOWN TO SIZE WOOO! Other then the original 7 there will only be one or two others. I just like that. Speaking of Mark Waid, I might as well put it here. Following the "Chain Lightning" arc Wally apparently *GASP* dies. and there will be a new, darker Flash. With powers never before seen, this Flash's identity is a mystery. He will show his face to Supes and Donna Troy (Troia on Titans) and they both trust him.

Titans is rolling along and I'm enjoying it. In the issue due out this month, Green Lantern (my favorite character btw) will be making an appearance. Also, the new Flash will be staying with the Titans and the JLA. If you want my guess (THIS IS ONLY MY FAULTED OPINION THIS HAS NO BASIS OTHER THEN MY OWN MESSED UP THOUGHTS) I think the new Flash is Wally. I mean, you can't kill Wally. Probably something happened to him and it really messed with his head.

In Young Justice there was recently a YJ in No Man's Land special if you didn't get it, I suggest it. I thought it was really good. Also in the new Star-Spangled Kid series, YJ will be making a appearance sometime during the series run. There's talk of a time travel story involving the original Teen Titans, but time travel stories make my head hurt.

Well that's it back to studying for finals if my information's wrong again, I'm sorry.

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