Welcome to the July edition of my humble column. This month I will ramble
on about the new JSA, and if you haven't read the first issue of JSA,
there are spoilers. I will do a basic rundown of the first story arc and just
thoughts that pop into my head at random. Well, I never have had much knowledge
on the Golden Age so forgive me.
Wes Dodds, the original Sandman, and Speed Saunders find out the location of
3 children (unborn) that Dr.Fate's powers can go into. Speed goes to find
them and Wes dies, fighting the Dark Lord. You see, the Dark Lord is killing magical
beings, stealing their magic powers and items, to probably destroy the world or
something. He's a good guy in my book cuz he killed one of the lamest DC characters I know
tell, Fate was a character I didn't like. He was a lame character. Here's
who he was and why I don't like him. Fate was the bearer of the of the Dr. Fate powers.
He didn't like the Dr. part, so he dropped it. In his possession was the Dr. Fate magical items:
the helmet, the cloak, and the amulet was turned into a magic knife, and "throwing ankhs",
while the cloak was wrapped around his arm. He was a magic Punisher, which is a
stupid thing to say now that Punisher is magical too, but originally he wasn't. He's dead now
and there will be a new Dr. Fate.
Dark Lord doesn't want a new Fate and if he fails to get the magical items,
the new Dr. Fate will rise. Well, when Fate dies in front of the people that will
form the new JSA, they have get involved.
The basic point of the first storyline is to bring the new JSA together,
get some new characters in (Sand, Hawkgirl), kill off some lame magic people (like
Fate), give the JSA a bad murderous psychopathic evil villain guy, and get a new DR. Fate.
After that Starman will leave, the new Dr. Midnight will come into the new
JSA, and just deal with a lot of the Golden Age history confusion left by the
Crisis. Also, it will deal with other Golden Age Characters that have faded into the background
and no one knows what happened to. Also, they should address the big plot holes left by the post crisis
fact that Supes and Bats never existed in the golden age. The goal is to bring DC's rich history to the
younger readers.
Good luck to Goyer and Robinson.