Our cover this month comes to us from reader James Burghardt, of Maryland.
James volunteers as Spiderman for public service and charity events in his part of the country. Not only does James do good works in and of itself, but he also promotes comics to children. A lot of comic fans like to complain about what the big companies aren't doing to bring in more comics readers, but really, we all can do something to promote comics to the general public. I give out comics as well as candy at Halloween, and I have donated trade paperbacks to my local school library. I let my daughter take my comics to school so her friends can read them. I want to make sure that I have comics to read for the rest of my life, and I'm glad that there are folks like James who are out there helping me bring the joys of reading comics to another generation. Featured in this month's Collector Times is an interesting interview with Erik Larsen, where he discusses everything from editors to Savage Dragon to more mainstream work. Jason Bourgeois goes on a Liefeld rant, which is like shooting fish in a barrel, but it's still entertaining. Be sure to check out Gonzo's Addendum to my comic collecting guide. Also, read Brandon Cracraft's tribute to the small retailer. Plus, as usual, lots, lots more. Take your shoes off and sit a spell, as we say here in Houston. We are glad you are here!
editor, The Collector Times
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