Gundam review

Reviewed by Patrick Dunning

Ok, I've always been a cartoon fan. I've never stopped watching cartoons, but really, I never watched animes much. I just didn't have the chance because they've never been shown on my crappy cable system. What I did see were movies, from my cousins video library, but recently another cable system bought out the old one, did a rebuild, and I get some decent channels now. One of these I have only recently got was The Cartoon Network, I enjoyed Toonami (a "block" with action cartoons, mostly Japanese Anime), but I've seen most of those unedited at my cousin's house, and was kinda disappointed. Earlier this month, however, a new cartoon premiered, one that really is the 5-6th (I can't remember which) series in it's title series, Mobile Suit: Gundam Wing...

It's shown twice daily at 5:30 eastern, and an "un-cut" version is shown at 12:00 midnight eastern time. The difference between the cut and uncut versions are usually just a few words, and small scenes, most noticeable in the bloody scenes. A Gundam is a big mobile suit (big robot fighting suit) made out of an indestructible alloy called Gundanium. 5 Gundam's are sent to earth by rebels in the space colonies seeking the downfall of the corrupt corporation trying to take over the Earth Alliance, OZ. The 5 Gundams, along with their pilots, are all different, and all bad ass, Heero Yuy, and his Wing Gundam, Trowa Barton, and his Gundam HeavyArms, Quatre Rababa Winner, and his Gundam Sandrock, Duo Maxwell, and his Gundam Deathscythe (my favorite character, and Gundam), and finally, Chang Wufei, and his Shenlong Gundam. These five young men (average age 15) are the space colonies only hope for freedom. Not only does this series have action in abundance, but it has kick ass villains, not just Evil ones (although a couple are really evil.) Most are doing what they are doing because they feel they are right, the villains are believable, and some are questionably good, or at least will be. The supporting cast is also kick ass, every Gundam pilot has their own supporting cast.

The story is involved and if you see every episode, it latches on to you. It's plot is deep, and well thought out, it's got a hell of a lot of twists to it. Also there are subplots, and tie-ins to the earlier Gundam Series (they're obvious enough that you can figure out they are referring to things that came before even if you haven't seen the earlier series) and well, I think it's one of the best shows on right now, in fact, the ratings are higher then Dragon Ball Z!!! No kidding.

Admittedly, you have to see all the episodes to understand what's going on and the first episode kind of assumes you know a little about the Gundam Universe, but STILL, I love this series. I suggest you watch it.

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