Judgment Calls by Patrick Dunning

Ok... Welcome to this month's JUDGMENT CALLS! After repeated threats of bodily harm (most of which can't be repeated) by my editor, I got to work on my column. So after getting this in at the last minute, here are my non-sensible rants.

Lets start with JLA, The Morrison age is over, so I think that I might give a little overview of what happened. I pulled out most of my JLA collection, to do this, so here's JLA current series overview...

Issues 1-4, the first main story line of Morrison's run, established the big 7 as THE team, and promised much action, intrigue, and kick ass stories. We see the team at it's highs and lows in these four issues, and we see why Batman, IS the definitive ass kicker of the JLA.

Issue 5, A filler really, introduces and kills Tomorrow Woman, yet somehow, she captured peoples imagination...

Issues 6-7, this disturbed me when it first came out, I mean it dealt with Angels, Heaven, Hell, stuff I felt should be left alone. However, it was well handled, and in the end, a very good story.

Issues 8-9, Green Arrow, not Ollie but his kid Conner, saves the JLA, with a "boxing-glove arrow"?

Issues 10-15, The Rock Of Ages story line. Aztek joins. What many consider the best, and most confusing (and that's saying something), story of Morrison's run. We get the definitive Injustice Gang, Darkseid, evil versions of the JLA, all sorts of fun stuff. The introduction of Hourman too. Aztek and GA quit.

Issues 16-17, the introduction of the expanded JLA 16 member JLA and of Prometheus, perhaps the most diabolical JLA villain, (took down Batman 1 on 1) but was taken down, in the end, by a shot to the jimmy...

Issues 18-21, Waid fills in for Morrison, if you want to have a taste of what's to come when Waid takes over look here, it's good. You got quantum physics, and Adam Strange!

Issues 22-23 were good, had to do with what makes a hero. Pseudo invasion of the body snatchers, and the Sandman.

Issues 24-26, the Ultra Marines. In this issue, the U.S. tries to take down the JLA!!! Good stuff, and the introduction of the new and improved (a shaven) Shaggy Man!

Issue 27, a filler issue, done by Millar, has the entire expanded JLA taken down by Alzamo, and only Superman, and the Atom are still standing. How this one ends is surprising...

Issues 28-31 A JLA/JSA team up, that answers the question "Whatever happened to that genie Jonny Thunder had way back in the Golden age"... ok who really asked that? huh? None the less, it was a pretty spiffy 5th dimensional war, and we get to see the Big Red Cheese (Captain Marvel) punch out Superman!!!

Issue 32, centers on the Huntress and Locus (evil organization introduced in JLA Year One) and explains why the JLA doesn't go into Gotham during No Man's Land Issue 33, The JLA vs. Bruce Wayne? But it's not what you think. Also has that "new" Flash.

Issue 34, Green Lantern gets his ass handed to him, and his ring stolen during a prison riot.

Issue 35, Day Of Judgment

Issue 36-41 World War III story Grant Morrison's Grand Finale. The whole world goes to hell, er wait that happened in the previous issue, um, it goes to war, anyway. Zaurial dies, course he comes back a little later. Queen Bee bitch slaps the hell outta Barda, and Wonder Woman. Superman is broken, GL's ring doesn't work, there's a primordial bomb bigger then the moon that can take out half the galaxy in orbit. Um, and the JLA kinda gives everyone on the planet superpowers. Confused? Go pick it up.

There is SO much more, almost as many mini-series and one-shots as there were issues in the actual series. So I'm not going to get into those, I'm late as it is.

Um that's about all I got, I better get this in before my Editor comes halfway across the country, and... hurts me. You know how crazy them Texans are.

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