Body Count: Mid Series review of The Punisher

by Patrick Dunning

Welcome everyone, to a very special article. This is my promised, mid-series review of Garth Ennis’s Punisher series. We’ve reached Issue 6 and I must say, there is nothing on this earth that’s going to keep me from buying the next 6. Garth Ennis and Steve Palmoitti are a great team, and they make this series great. This will be the DEFINITIVE Punisher for years to come. It shows exactly how The Punisher should be done: "He’s a serial killer, but he targets criminals."
This series already has moments that will be remembered as great moments in comic history. Issue one has Frank throwing a gangster off the Empire State Building to announce his home-coming. Issue four's zoo antics, including Frank punching a polar bear to get it pissed enough to tear apart the gangsters chasing him. Issue five’s introduction of ‘Elite’. Issue six's all out gore fest. Though I think this series will be known for the Daredevil/Punisher confrontation in issue three, the most powerful moment in this series so far was the ‘choice’ Frank gave ol' horn-head.

I don’t want to give away too much for those who haven’t read it, just enough to get them to want to read it. Good luck to you if you want to try to find them, though. Issues 1 and 2 ran out of copies, and reorders were so fast, they printed a special reprint of issues one and two. Since they’ve been printing them in such large numbers, you should be able to find copies, but I still doubt it. Frankly (no pun intended) you gotta be nuts if you haven’t been following this series, it’s great. Anyway, the part that I’ve been promising, and as the title suggests, what this article is all about, THE BODY COUNT!

Mind you, this isn’t official and this is my count. If you don’t agree with it,SCREW YOU! I spent time going over every issue trying to determine the EXACT body count. This is pretty damn close if not perfect, so lay off me.

Anyway starting with our favorite mass murderer, Frank Castle AKA The Punisher.

Mode of death: Death count:
Various Automatic Guns23
Bare hands (gotta love it)5
Being thrown from a really high building1
"Splat-Fu" Being pushed in front of a train1
Vehicular homicide1
Being thrown out of moving car, in front of truck1
Burned alive via the flame-thrower11
Sniper rifle1
Dunked in tank full of Piranha1 (rather painful death)
Crushed by a Anaconda1
Decapitated by pissed-off Polar Bears1
Being blown up in an explosion caused by gas tank being shot10

Punisher’s total: 74

That’s The Punisher’s body count, what this proves, basically, the guy is versatile, and he likes automatic weapons.

Father Redoundo AKA The Holy

Mode of death: Death count:

The Holy’s total: 4

This crazy preacher goes straight for the ax, he’s brutal too. It’s reported he cuts crosses in his victim’s foreheads. This guy is flat out nuts, believes god approves of his murders.

Bud Plugg

Mode of death: Death count:
Suicide (hanging himself by his tie)1

Bud’s total: 1

Yep, this poor guy only took out himself in an act of self loathing.

"3rd dimwit"

Mode of death: Death count:

Dimwit’s total: 3

Under order, from Ma Gnucci, he kills the second dimwit, his lifelong friend, and [her] good for nothing cousin.

Mr. Payback
Mode of death: Death count:
Automatic handgun5 (7 reported injured)

Mr. Payback’s total: 8

This guy's to the point, he hates big corporations, and he’s ruthless when he takes em out.

Mode of death: Death count:
Pistol5 (and one dog)
Sniper Rifle4

Elite’s total: 9 (and one dog)

This guys a psycho. He’s "cleaning up" his richy neighborhood by killing anything that would mess it up, be it crack dealers, or a dog taking a leak.

Issue totals:

#3:19 (13 shown 6 implied)
#4:4 (low count issue but a good one)
#5:15 (and one dog)
#6:37 (this is the gore issue)


    99 people dead,
    1 dog dead,
    7 people injured,
    1 mob boss maimed,
    and the Punisher has fallen at the end of issue 6.

You may find yourself asking some questions. Here are some probable questions, and my opinionated answers. Is this the greatest Punisher ever? YES! Is the art great? YES! Should I read this Punisher series? YES! Are you a fucking psycho for actually sitting down and counting all this shit? YES!

Well I’ll see you next time at the end of the Ennis Punisher run, 6 more issues. With the FINAL BODY COUNT!

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