Judgment Calls by Patrick Dunning

Hey Folks, welcome to another exciting installment of Judgment Calls! I must apologize for my absence last month, a number of computer related problems occurred. First, without my knowledge, my Father decided to put Windows Millennium on my system, and that messed a lot of stuff up. Then, the modem went dead. But in the end it turned out for the best, we’re running Windows 98 again and I’m now running off a cable modem, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bandwidth (*evil grin at boss editor lady*.) Anyway, the bandwidth is good. (*evil laugh* BWAHAHAHAHA) What I wanted to rant about last month...

What the hell is wrong over at DC? I knew it would happen ,I just knew it, but it looks like it’s all gonna happen at once. Batman off the JLA, The Flash off the Titans, Dr Fate, Hourman, gone from the JSA. What’s next? Superboy leaving Young Justice?? DAMNIT! What’s wrong with you people!? The big guns being in the titles has been what fanboys have been demanding for a long ass time. Am I the only one that realizes dropping Batman from JLA will cause people to stop reading it? I can’t see anyone saying "They kicked Batman out of the JLA. GREAT!!! Oh happy day... now if they only got rid of Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, and Aquaman, and bring back Vibe, and G’nort!" (no offense to G’nort or Vibe fans [if there are any *) God damn what is wrong with you!!!

Jesse Quick was always a cheap Flash backup on the team, she was called that from the beginning of the series. I defended her, saying she’s a good character and they’d never take Wally out. Guess what? They took Wally out. This is another move that will cost sales, I’m sure there are Flash fans that were reading the title just because Wally was in it.

While we are on the topic of the Titans, they’re having another "Who is Donna Troy" story. She’s got more origins then all of Marvel’s current rewrites. Am I the only one groaning? Haven’t we had enough of this "Who is she?" Bull, damn. This isn’t a running gag, and I, for one, am sick of it.

I really hate to rag on JSA. I am really enjoying the title, but it too is dropping heroes left and right. I have much respect for Geoff Johns, but really, this trend is starting to piss me off.

Anyway, that’s what I was going to bitch about last month. This is now this month, so uh, nevermind...on to newer stuff...

I’d also like to take this moment to say that Mark Waid must have had a very twisted child hood, judging from his latest JLA story. I’m serious! I think he should look into professional help cause that’s just, disturbing.

It’s damn cool, though. In case you missed it, Batman’s hands were in one panel, so you can guess he’s gonna bail the JLA’s ass out, like he always does.

Also this month, we have a new JLA Secret Files & Origins. I really liked Talia’s thoughts on what was happening during the Tower of Babel story.

The whole Secret Files was fairly well put together. Also out is the JLA Heaven’s Ladder story, check that out too.

One last thing before I finish off this rant. There’s an interesting crossover happening right now that I may write a review of when it’s done.

Until then, I’ll mention it here. Green Lantern vs Aliens, the acid bleedin, double jawed, Sigourney Weaver type aliens, and it’s pretty darn spiffy so far. It’s the last script Ron Marz wrote before going to CrossGen, so check it out.

Till the next rant...

Patrick Dunning

* Editor’s Note: The editor is a G’Nort fan, for future reference

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