Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2
    Movie Review by Patrick Dunning

What? How could they make a sequel to Blair Witch? It was a one-time gimmick. Those were the reactions I heard from people when they heard about the movie. Hell, I thought it a couple times, but being the open minded moviegoer that I am, I decided to give it a shot. After I read an amazingly vague review of it in my local paper I went, and I enjoyed it.

First off I'd like to state something: NO THIS MOVIE IS NOT SCARY!!! For gods sake, I'm sick of everyone ranting on recent horror movies. "It wasn't scary." Well shit, you'd have to be stupid to be scared in a theater with your friends and about 50 some-odd other people. I haven't been scared of a film since I was 6, and that was probably because my older bro would make it his mission to scare me after horror movies.

Having that said, the film was enjoyable; not great, but reasonably good, and much better then the recent slue of idiotic "Who's the killer?" Scream clone slasher-films, haunted house remakes (The Haunting, House on Haunted Hill), or Exorcist wannabes (though I do hold much respect for The Exorcist). Unlike it's predecessor this is more traditional, i.e. no nauseating shaky camera angles, but a real film.

Anyway on to the basic premise, it's set in a world where the first movie was real. They really found the footage, and for some reason released it as a movie. Berkettsville is over run with tourists, and guided tours of the woods are popular. Enter "The Blair Witch Hunt", the tour/web site run by a 20-something local guy, who used to be in the nut house. He's really a cool guy though. Anyway his tour group consists of 4 other people: a Goth chick, who thinks she’s psychic, a Wiccan chick, who's complaining about injustice to Wiccans, and a relatively normal couple, who are writing a book "Blair Witch: history or hysteria". In the couple the guys a skeptic and the girl is a believer; she also happens to be pregnant. In short, not the kinda group you'd trust in the woods with beer and weed.

So, they bust out the weed and beer while camping by the old Parr place. (Rustin Parr being the hermit who killed 7 kids in the 40's, and claimed an old lady ghost told him to.) They wake up the next morning with all the "just in case" camera stuff smashed, and all of the couples book research completely ripped to shreds. They were so wasted none of them can remember the last 5 hours, and they’re pretty pissed. Anyway, they find the videos and decide to go to tour guide dudes house to figure out what the hell happened. After that people start to lose it, ghosts aplenty, dead bodies, nude rituals, and other assorted weird crap starts happening.

All and all I liked it; it was good entertainment. I do not feel as if I wasted my money on this Sunday afternoon matinee. I’d be weary to pay full price, but this is definitely a rental if nothing else. The acting, plot twists, and all out weirdness factor had me.

That’s my opinion. You don’t like it. Good! I’m proud you’re a free thinker. Anyway, also check out my reviews of the PC games "Blair Witch Volume I: Rustin Parr" and "Blair Witch Volume II: The Legend of Coffin Rock".

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