Tony Millionaire's Sock Monkey

Dark Horse Comics

Review By AJ Reardon

Going comic shopping on a Tuesday after a holiday weekend sucks. That's why we came home with only one comic this week, vowing to return on Thursday in hopes that the new issues of all our favorite books would be out.

Unfortunately, Thursday would be too late to find, read, and review a suitable comic, so I am stuck reviewing Tony Millionaire's Sock Monkey, published by Dark Horse. This is a terrible world, I tell you, when a reviewer such as myself has such a limited stock of things to review. I'm really thinking that reviewing this comic is a waste of my time. I could be role playing, or reading Sluggy Freelance, but instead, I'm trying to think of something to say about this comic, and nothing is coming to mind. Hence the delaying tactics I'm using, trying to make my review look longer and worthwhile. You're probably now as enthused about reading this as I am about writing it. Well, if I have to suffer, so do you!

So, anyway, this issue I read is #1 of Volume 3. Absolutely no effort is made to clue in new readers (lured in by the #1, or reading it because someone on-line recommended it to their husband) as to what is going on or what has happened before. Apparently, they already have enough of a fan base that they feel no need to get new readers. Oh no, they're too good for that. Or maybe it even makes no sense if you HAVE read the previous two volumes.

The story centers around a sock monkey and a stuffed crow. How exciting. They somehow end up in the trophy room of some hunter and decide to go hunting. Being small, they go salamander hunting. It only gets weirder from there. I think it's supposed to be funny, but I didn't laugh once. I don't think I even smiled or thought, "Well, I guess that could be funny." Actually, I was bored silly. Boredboredbored. That's why this review sucks.

There was nothing bad enough to make fun of. The art is fine. The dialog and punctuation are fine. The story is stupid, but not in a cheesy melodramatic way, which would be sooo fun to pick apart. It's just senseless, useless, pointless, and interest-less. Maybe I stepped in at a bad time, because if it was always this bad, I'm sure it wouldn't have enough readers to stay in business, unless Mr Millionaire really is that rich and is paying to have this boring waste of paper printed to help fuel his feelings of self-importance.

Wow, I'm sure mean when I'm bored.

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