Denver Data Haven

"When you have no memory, every day is something new and exciting."

Someone said this once, (I don't remember who) and I've tried to make it my lifelong motto.

As such, I was certainly surprised when I received a friendly reminder from my wonder editor that I still needed to send in my website review. Whoops.

But I care about those few of you that read my stuff, and so rather than doing a lame, last-minute, hastily tossed together little review to look good, I'm doing a lame, last-minute, hastily tossed together little review just for you.

Today's subject is an awesome site entitled the Denver Data Haven ( It only has one bad thing about it, and I'll get that out of the way first, to better sing its praises. The background picture is a black and white microchip design, which makes it a bit hard to read the text over it. Not too hard, mind you, but enough that it's a pain to read for too long at a time.

But that's not going to be a problem. They have plenty of different sections, ranging from a bunch of links to other Shadowrun sites, to new equipment, npcs, story ideas, magic spells, critters/monsters, and all sorts of other Shadowrun goodies that will just make your life easier (and the game more enjoyable). These are all set up with comments, just as you'd find in the Shadowrun books.

There's also Shadowtalk, a customized guestbook that posts messages, you guessed it, just like the messages that you see at the bottom of the pages of the Shadowrun books.

There's still some stuff missing from the site, and stuff still to come - but it's definitely worth bookmarking.

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