![]() Our front cover this month is also our interview subject, John Cassaday. John is the artist of Planetary for Wildstorm and of Captain America: Marvel Knights for Marvel.
![]() If you turned in at the end of July here, youll see the August issue is up early. Why? Several of us are going to Comic Con International in San Diego. We are driving up to Dallas, picking up Artistic License's Joe Singleton, and hauling him cross country with us. Mwah ha ha! Look for extensive coverage of the con in our September issue. I am putting folks to work! We have lots of good stuff to entertain you with in the meantime. Besides the Cassaday interview, Jon Morrell snagged an interview with Lloyd Kaufman, of Troma Films fame. AJ Reardon provides an interesting concept of female dominated societies in her role playing World Building column. Rick Higgenson provides an excellent guide for living in his opinion piece about youth culture. We older folks here at The Collector Times all subscribe to this philosophy, so its worth a peek. Plus, as usual, lots more, so take some time to look around. If you are attending ComicCon International, and you see one of us in our Collector Times t-shirts, come up and say "hello.*quot; We are always thrilled to meet our readers. Hope to see you there!
Editor, The Collector Times
Copyright © 2002 Sheryl Roberts, Editor