Welcome to the March Edition of the Collector Times!
First off, I apologize for the lateness of this issue. February
was short and it just kind of crept up on all of us. Keep
checking back, things should be going up here and there over
the next few days.
Like our front page photo - it's a promotional shot for
AggieCon 34.
We are going to AggieCon, the guests this year include Marv Wolfman,
Peter David, and Steven Gould. You can check back next month
for all sorts of coverage of the con.
This issue has lots of good stuff for you. Find out why Chris
Reid has the magic touch for gaming in Rick Higginson's
Confessions of a Newbie. Joe Singleton bows to a
readers idea and reworks Flash in Artistic License.
Wally Flores Jr. takes a look at the medium merging of comics and
movies in Graphic Content. Plus, if you want to see
what kind of underwear Sidra Roberts wears, check out
Why Victoria's Secret Sucks in the opinion section.
Plus, lots more, please check it out.