"The Matrix: Reloaded"

    Movie Review by AJ Reardon

Like most people in this country, I saw "The Matrix: Reloaded" on the big screen in mid-May. The following are my thoughts on it, as originally posted on the Oblivion UO shard message boards.

Did I enjoy the movie? Yes

Was I impressed by the movie? No

Was it a good movie? Probably

Was it a great movie? No, not really

Part of my problem is that I watch a LOT of Hong Kong martial arts movies starring very talented people. Compared to this, the fight scenes in the Matrix are CRAP. Ok, I loved the fight scene with all the weapons. It had a lot of flaws in it (all the weapons on the wall and he chose A PAIR OF SAIS???), but it was cool. I love weapons. The army of Agent Smiths was an amusing scene, but the fighting was ridiculously bad. Not only were all of the CG people being thrown around disappointing, but come on... You'd think Neo could have downloaded some better staff fighting and fighting-against-a-mob skills than that.

And the dance scene . . . good grief. At first, I was waiting for it to end . . . then, as it stretched on, I mentally grumbled about this being filler to stretch the movie. After another minute or two, after seeing too many close-ups of Neo and Trinity kissing (yeah, did they really need to show us what they were doing? who here isn't imaginative enough to guess?), I began to feel that the scene would never end. The rest of this movie was going to be one orgiastic (am I allowed to say that word?) dance scene, and all of the action would be in Revolutions this November. Part of my problem is I'm really getting fed up with movies feeling like to be "cool" they have to include some sort of rave-esque dance scene, whether or not it has ANYthing to do with the story. If I wanted to see a bunch of sexy people dancing I'd watch music videos. On a side note from that, Tem pointed out that everyone there was young and good looking... I guess the old and ugly people find dancing like that to be sinful? Honestly, to me, it's pretty weird to have some priestly person say a prayer, and then 10 minutes later everyone's twisting around to throbbing music . . .

Gee, that was a long rant. I had a lot of other little problems with the movie, but for the most part, it was good, entertaining fun. Just not cool and thought-provoking like the original.

Oh, and if you don't like heavy metal, don't bother waiting through the credits for the teaser at the end. The credits must have listed 10-15 minutes, the teaser was short and unimpressive... And with how soon the 3rd movie is coming out, it'll probably be attached to the beginning of new movies and available at Quicktime any time now.

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Review Copyright © 2003 By AJ Reardon

E-mail AJ at: ErtheFae@aol.com

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