"Yellow Jello and O'Henry Bars
- The Exploration of Trash Hits
and Cult Flicks"

By Jon Morrell

Wow! I haven't written much for the site in a while, had to get caught up with school work and other crap like that. Now, to talk about . . . A few movies actually . . . So without further ado, here are my latest reviews.

House Of A 1000 Corpses

First of all, I got free passes to this movie through a tiny connection of mine and went to see it with a lot of people, (we were 10 or 12, I don't remember). So my expectations were about average, cuz I wanted it to be amazing, but at the same time I heard so much bad stuff from everyone and only a few good things. So, walking into the theater with my big bag of popcorn, I waited for the lights to dim. The movie that ensued was, in my opinion, REALLY good. Sure, it was a rip off of a lot of classic horror movies, but Rob Zombie even said that it was a tribute to all the classic horror movies. And to those who say it's a blatant ripoff of Texas Chainsaw, ComeOn!! That's dumb, how many movies about crazy families are there? And besides, TCM was based on Ed Gein. So overall, I thought it was great, the editing was a little much, but I expected it, coming from a man who's music videos are as frenetically insane as Rob Zombie's are. The characters, for the most part, weren't really likeable or hateable, but it was fun to see them go. I wish it wasn't as cut as it was, though and greatly anticipate the uncut version coming soon. I definitely suggest this film to any fans of the horror genre, especially people that are sick of the crap that has been coming out recently.

28 Days Later

I saw 28 Days Later, Danny Boyle's new film that just got released here in America, a couple weeks ago when my friend lent me a screener copy. Not in nearly 30 years, has a zombie movie been made that made me as happy to see those darn zombies doing their deed to poor hapless saps. Of course, being a Danny Boyle film, it has the same social underlying theme that the Trilogy of the Dead (Romero) has. The whole film was shot in digital, so on the big screens it looks grainy and almost documentary-ish, though the film doesn't go for that feel. The DVD on the other hand, had a great transfer and some amazing special features, such as the usual audio commentaries, trailers to 3, count it 3! alternate endings.

I guess that's it for this month. I haven't really seen anything else worth mentioning, but this month I'll be checking out the Fantasia Film Festival again, although this year I won't be doing the whole run of it, for the simple fact that I am broke, but you can count on me to cover some of the greater titles, such as Bubba Ho-Tep and Beyond Re-Animator. Once again, I apologize to the editors and chiefs of CollectorTimes for the extreme slack on my part the last few months, I also apologize to anyone who may enjoy reading my slobbery banter.

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E-Mail Jon at: aww_my_bees@hotmail.com

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