Welcome to the May Edition of The Collector Times!
Our cover comes from a long time artist friend of mine named Brent Padgett.
It's been a pleasure to watch Brent grow as an artist, and I think you'll enjoy his work.
Consequently, look for him in the art gallery from now on.
Let me start by saying congratulations to Gordon Fancher of Washington, winner of
Joe Singleton's Phoenix sketch. I'll be putting it in the
mail to Gordon this next week.
One of the nice things about doing this web magazine is every once in awhile, I'll get
an email that is unexpected, and personally important to me. Chris Karnes wrote me one
this past month, and it was so good, I wanted to share it with you. It's the
story of Chris's comic hobby, and I'm sure you'll like it,
if you like comics. I'm also hoping I can get Chris to write for us again.
We have all sorts of good stuff for you this month. Wally Flores, Jr. gives us his
opinion about the return of Hal Jordan as Green Lantern and
Jason Bourgeois shares his distaste about the musical name changes of the X titles.
On the gaming front, AJ Reardon demonstrates how procrastination and world building can
actually enhance character creation and the gaming experience in her
World Building column Playing God. Rick Higginson continues his
tale entitled Cardan's Pod. Sidra Roberts gives us a Texan's
view of the movie The Alamo. Plus we have lots more, so take
some time and look around.
As always, we are glad that you nice folks are here!
Sheryl Roberts
Editor, The Collector Times
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