The Reader's Bookshelf  Book

Book Cover

    Jack McDevitt

    Copyright © 2005
    by Cryptic
    Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

This is a book that is a story featuring the same characters as A Talent for War, but you don't need to have read the previous book to fully comprehend this one.

This story is told by Chase Kolpath, pilot and employee of Alex Benedict, antiquities dealer. One day a woman arrives at their door, looking to sell a cup from the lost ship Seeker. This is a major mystery.

At the end of the 27th century, at the beginning of the colonization era, two ships departed Earth to get away from the theocracy that was the prevailing government in North America. The two ships were the Bremerhaven, and the other, the Seeker. The colonists were going to a planet called Margolia, whose location they kept a secret, lest the fascist government come and find them. All of the other initial colonies failed and returned to earth. The people of Margolia were never heard from again.

The mystery of this cup leads Alex and Chase on a merry, exciting adventure full of twists and turns leading to the eventual discovery of what happened to Margolia. People who they believe to be friends turn out to be enemies and we are waiting for the revelation until the bitter end. The ending is amazing, satisfying and very triumphant. I almost cried for joy.

It's a great book. It's one I had to finish in a day and a half because it's one of those that you cannot put down. Go buy it, you'll be glad you did.

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Text Copyright © 2005 Sheryl Roberts

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